Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Maybe to you it is a throw away line…to me? It is validation in a game I have loved since its inception. And for the developers of this game to stop implying and actually out right acknowledge is big…not a throw away line…not by a long shot…it is a very good FIRST step…


Now you do

Maybe he was a trans male and transitioned after becoming a priest.

and this matters why? i dont care who anyone wants to grind on in life or in my games…its a non issue until you try to force things on people or throw a differing opinion in someones face constantly knowing that they will never agree. kind of like beating a dead horse

kind of like i dont give a damn if you are eating chicken or a salad tonight. good on ya, just dont knock on my door every day telling me wtf you are having for dinner

I feel like I have stumbled into Tumblr.

I mean kind of makes sense there would be some lesbian relationship in a civilization where woman alone for 10,000 years…

He’s the one that’s deranged. lol.


If you don’t care, then it shouldn’t matter that this is in the game. It’s not being “forced” on anyone, it’s just there. Like all the straight couples are just there.


A good first step towards what exactly??

Normalizing your fellow humans who think the same gender is cute so they one day won’t have a president who creates legislation against them every other month.


There is a theory going around that the Night Warrior didn’t realize they were a man until later.

Why does he had to be Trans or even Priest. Night Warrior wasn’t a priest thing but it was for Champion of Elune. Never stated anywhere that It was a priest specific.


As long as it isn’t their entire characters, and is just a bullet point on their character sheets, this is fine. And from the looks of the dialogue, it’s just stated as a matter of fact, which is EXACTLY how it should be portrayed.

Having sexuality (of any variety) shoved into your face is a great way to kill immersion and we saw this with Malfurion and Tyrande, arguably the most obvious and relevant couple in WoW, in Val’sharah. That was just cringe-worthy. Yes, Tyrande, we KNOW Malfurion is your BELOVED, it’s some of the most well-known lore and you don’t shut up about it!

EDIT: Also, how could I forget Thrall and Aggra. That was SO MUCH WORSE. God, that was awful. Nobody gives a crap about your wedding, Thrall, why did I have to stop saving the world to be your wingman and watch you propose to Aggra as if it was what I wanted to do in this game.

On the flip side, in other media when you have gay characters whose entire personality is being gay, that’s when it’s just awful. Can’t stand those kinds of characters. Congratulations, you’re different and an obvious virtue signal by the writers, now leave so an actual plot can happen.

If at the end of the day, if we aren’t as interested in these characters’ orientations as we are in what they’re doing in the story, that’s a resounding success for Blizzard as far as I’m concerned.


Do you think Pepe is a racist hate symbol because enough people say so?

Or is this all pointless noise that ultimately amounts to nothing

Edit: wowzers, we have some high IQ guys up in here. 🤦

Is it bad I do not remember Thrall and Aggra’s wedding at all in game? I seriously don’t remember a wedding for those two, though I do remember a quest where we go to speak to Thrall and we see their baby. By chance do you know which quest or quest line it takes place in?

The last “wedding” I remember in WoW is the one in BFA for the questline in Drustvar that you mention.

Though I kind of want to go do Twilight Highlands again since you mention there being a wedding in that zone.

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I actually loved that quest so much. Very haunting.

More often then not thought, the extent of my exposure to WoW weddings is watching an RP guild in the Stormwind cathedral.

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Ah man, stuff like that is always so cool to see. I freaking love the RP community. I have only had the pleasure of observing one RP wedding and it was a lot of fun :slight_smile:

I really love the RP community, I kinda wish my guild was on an RP server so I could observe more of that stuff.

I transfered to Wyrmrest H / Moon Guard A and the reputation precedes them. Very colorful culture here.

On alliance side I joined probably the most infamous guild on MG. I won’t state the name but one example of a “guild event” was to crowd goldshire just to boast about how awesome the guild was. It was very immature and no way indicative of the rp experience. But it fit right in with moon guard. Almost like a tumor that grows so large it became sentient. I had a lot of fun those days but I think 99% of the guild got silenced and then got disbanded lol

@Sigtyr I don’t know if i necessarily agree with you. I do agree the Tyrande and Malfurion was cringe to be sure…I don’t think anyone doubts that. At the same time, look at Alleria and Turalyon on Argus when she comes to save him…I think that was done VERY nicely. Look at Illidan’s talk to Tyrande at the end of Legion…again very nicely done. They can do it well…they have shown they can. So I do agree with you that they can obviously get cringe…they can also handle it expertly as well…

I’m not unsympathetic to those who don’t initially mean any harm having the systemic fears society baked into them taken advantage of by extremists. I’m truly not.

But I hate seeing people on the internet right now, given they post on this forum, with access to wealths of information on how human sexuality works, how biology works, what is and isn’t misinformation, and so on ad infinitum, and still having to hear about what is supposedly “normal.”

It’s the same trash whenever a transphobe defends their transphobia by claiming “facts don’t care about your feelings” without a shred of irony, when the science is not and never was on their side.