Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Ysera, Dryads…


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How, everyone else has already done it. It’s normal by now.

Except your post broadcasting this isn’t making it just something a part of the world or normalizing it. If you were, when you found out you would have just said neat and carried on. Instead you make a thread about it.



I resemble that remark… oo almost time for a nap!



LOL Blizzard is going to change or remove that in other countries. They pander so hard and all they do is expose themselves as hypocrites. Such a joke.


How does this ruin a race? It’s a voice line from a relatively minor character.


Blizzard can influence far more than just within their own product. That is just marketing.

Once again. If they actually cared about helping they would do more. And before someone says “Why don’t you?”. I’m a person barely scraping by financially. I do what I can by speaking out against persecution. I am not a multi-billion dollar company.

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So 2 people loving each other is “Gay ideology”?

It’s not even a romance. They’re just 2 people who happen to be married. It’s not political, it’s just standard stuff.


Almost certain this is a troll but I’ll bite.

It’s a harmless gesture that makes people feel good, and has no reason to make you feel bad unless you hold some prejudices. If you don’t care for it, that’s fine, just remain indifferent.


It’s not ruining any race wth.

It’s just two people who love each other. It doesn’t define them. It’s not being shoved down your throat. Heck it’s pretty much irrelevant to the story.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t blizz already have 2 same-sex couples in game?

One is in the Alliance base in The Vale in Pandaria (a human female and female dwarf with the same last name implying they’re married) and another is met through questing I thought in East Kingdoms.

As long as the characters are written to be something more then their orientation, what’s the issue? If Blizz uses them as a token “Look how progressive we are!” gay couple, then that’s an issue. But from the sounds of it, there’s more to them than being gay.


Lmao that is so Alliance.


I think it’s more that in this case it is a potentially big Lore character. The First even Night warrior as opposed to more minor side characters.

As opposed to your last point, 100% agree. It doesn’t matter at all. It’s not even really mentioned as a matter of fact in the quest. It’s just a nice thing to see.

How does it ruin a race? I mean, other than a night warrior being male.

I would agree it’s a waste of resources to maintain multiple versions that could be better spent actually making the game better.


Exactly this. Having a gay couple because it fits the character/story/whatever is fine. Having it because “hey look pandering to the gays to earn SJW points” is bad. This seems like the first a lot more than the second.

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Gay people exist.

News at 11.


I’m sorry our existence counts as an ideology?

You must have a very sheltered life.


but its not MARRIAGE lol

Or they could be sisters with one adopted, or it could be a last name that both races use.

I agree. Whether they are being used as more than a token remains to be seen, though.

Makes sense tbh. Thought NE’s were gay since vanilla.