Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

I think certain aspects of a person can be represented and seeing it in game(especially in an RPG) is important. To the point that now Blizzard is adding as much diverse customization as possible.

The hard truth is I would say lgbtq games are rarer then it should be. Few games feature actual lgbt+ leads.(for most rpgs the bi options is used because it is the easier option).

I would say it is just one of the ever paradoxical nature of the world(same as knowing peace is sometime you may have to fight for). Yes you want to see it as normal, hence you actually show the world and praise instance when it is normal.

Especially considering you would want more companies to do it.

I posted an entire list earlier of shows, good shows, that actually add gay characters for a reason. And sometimes no you dont need a meaningful reason to have a gay character just as much as you dont need a reason to have a straight one.


Representation?! New Lore?! My time has come.

I so, so wish that people understood this part. Why does it have to be meaningful or important?

Sometimes it can just be flavor, world building, or just honestly because the writer wanted it so.

I think it will be a great day when gay relationships are so normalized in fiction that no one even bats an eye at it. Just as no one should bat an eye at straight relationships. They’re all tools in the belt for a good fiction writer.


Spoken like a truly privileged person. This isn’t in bad faith.

When we do that–just let it be and stop making a big deal about it–homophobia becomes normalized and we have our existence criminalized.

We cannot keep quiet about it until we have secured social equality. That means when the US president doesn’t try to write off LGBTQ protections, like he tried a few days ago.

Can you give examples of “awful characters”? Every queer character I’ve seen in the media you listed was pretty neat. Do you mean they’re awful because they’re queer?

Does there need to be a meaningful reason? Or can they just be gay because some people are gay? I assume you do not critique every straight character with this same line of thinking.

It’s doing good for us! You may have not noticed, as someone who I assume is not in the LGBTQ community, but being loud about it is creating support socially (people are more open to the idea of LGBTQ people because they see it so often, kids don’t feel ashamed to be LGBTQ because they saw it in their cartoons), professionally, politically, and globally. People are starting to see that LGBTQ people are all around them and that’s creating a safer environment for us.

We used to keep it quiet, and that led to legislation against us. It led to people being fired when they were discovered. It led to gay lynchings. It led to trans women being put in prisons with men who would do horrible things to them. Trans women are statistically safe in womens’ prisons. Hell, look at Brazil.

We rely on kids to see LGBTQ people in their cartoons alongside straight people so they act that out in real life. Otherwise, they push us out by calling us names and beating us up for being different. They will accept LGBT people naturally if they see their idols and television/gaming/book icons treating LGBT people equally.


Azshara says hi .

She lead the Night Elves before the sundering and the druids taking a long nap


I see people parot this talking point, but any time there’s a new gay character people just lose their mind.

what if it’s not done to pander? what if it’s just a gay character? huh?


I think she means the all female army wasn’t a thing until after the Sundering.

You can have a female monarch and not have an all female warrior caste to go with it. What we know of Pre-Sundering NE society was that the military was much more mixed. We even meet the ghosts of male NE generals and commanders in Legion.

I’m personally against all this silly gay nonsense coming up constantly but it seems to be required to pander to the mob, it’s a shame really.


I like how “based” just turned into a term to make crappy and edgy takes on things and turn them into something “cool” sounding to try to appeal and seem acceptable in the face of overwhelming opposition.

You want to know whats ACTUALLY based? Blizzard adding a gay couple despite knowing the backlash from all these people who have melt downs over there video games.
Want something more BASED then that? Blizzard doing this while there biggest consumer is China. THAT my friend is based.

((I know you most likely were not praising that person, just wanted to say this))

I’m not sure why ppl think that fantasy games have to mirror real life. Traditionally there are no same-sex relationships in the fantasy world. Blizzard isn’t suddenly going to attract thousands of gay/lesbian players to WoW over this.


It is a fantasy world, the people making said fantasy world can do what they want.

Hell, traditional fantasy has Horde like races being chaotic evil. Even things like DnD has become more lgbt+ friendly.

Buddy there are probably thousands of gay/lesbian WoW players already.


“During the quest Stay of Execution, the Alliance player, alongside Jaina Proudmoore and Mathias Shaw, teleports atop a picnic in the Underhold and encounters two female Goblins who exchange tender words before being frozen by Jaina.”

As you were saying?


Homosexuality has been in literature for eons, quite literally.

Myrmidons has two male characters speak of their frequent kisses and embraces together, for example (I totally forgot about the line “devout union of the thighs” also being in that one). Western fantasy has roots of homosexuality too. The Picture of Dorian Gray and Carmilla come to mind for bisexuality and lesbian relationships.

And modern fantasy (1980s+) is replete with examples.

Also, the first bromance exists in the very earliest written work. Gilgamesh and Enkidu literally skip through a field together holding hands.



There’s been plenty of LGBT themes in games like Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age and EVEN Overwatch. You know… that Blizzard title that also got certain people riled up because of Tracer and Soldier 76.

You’ll are out here being really obvious with your agenda smh


I don’t care whatever everyone says, I’m just happy there’s representation in this game.


Oh hooray for the 50th time Blizzard-Activision play that like its something special. Way i see it it’s “Oh no we need to find a way to make up for our horrible writing that was bfa. I know! let’s put in a same sex marriage to distract the simpletons from our terrible writing”

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Western culture has rarely had issues (in the last 30 years) when two women are in a relationship. If it’s two men, to this day it’s still incredibly taboo.

Girl what are you even talking about. This isn’t some grand official announcement lmao. This is a datamine from Wowhead. You’ll really need to relax. 2 guys being in love with each other isn’t the end of your world lol


almost as shameful as the people blowing it out of proportion and lamenting it as some detrimental thing when it’s pretty inconsequential.


Complaining about inconsequential things helps them come to terms with their ultimately inconsequential existence.