Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

I mean this happened in Wheel of Time didn’t it? Man’s half of the magic (Saidar I think?) was tainted, so that male wizards would flip out, so only women were allowed to become Aes’Sedai if I recall?

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It seems the night warrior is not directly tied to the Priesthood at all. We actually dont know if this male(possiblely night elf) person was the first night warrior. We know he was one.

Yeah, no. I am not even sure where the hell you got this

So your against the Night Warrior being a gay male? Wow…

Where the heck did you get that idea? I am again your believe this is some sort of attack against straight people.

Edit: I misunderstood your post and thought you said it is a passive-aggressive attack against straight people.

Established? Ehhh, that’s a stretch.

All you’ve got to go on is an anecdote by the occasionally insane Maiev

Or what if the couple are night (or was it dark) trolls (proto night elves)… Oooo the possibilities

From someone that teaches for a living - if the student isn’t interested, trying to make them interested is a waste of time. We all have to take responsibility for our own learning, and that applies in this case just as much as it does in calculus.

Do the work.


I see OP has been unflagged. Nice.

At least you had the chutzpah to come out and say you’d gotten it wrong. Not many people would, and I appreciate your honesty for it. But I will reinforce my earlier statement. I see no reason that this should not be a good addition to the lore.

Hey, I am not arguing this wont be an interesting/good addition to the lore. I did create the thread afterall.

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Believe it or not, I didn’t even notice that until now. I saw the info on WoWhead.

Happier note, you have been unflagged. :slight_smile:

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:nauseated_face: :joy: :nauseated_face: :joy: :x:

So as a teacher, you’re saying telling those same students to do it on their own will yield better results? Do elaborate.

I mean, uno means one in Spanish, une is ‘unite’ actually, like Portuguese, my bad.

wonder how they’ll censor this for the chinese and russian versions :joy_cat:

Sounds good +++

I’m saying that the responsibility to not be ignorant is on you. It is impossible to teach someone who isn’t interested in learning, and it isn’t their job to teach you.

Do the work.

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I should of clarified that it was archaic french.

Old French: Etymology (Latin)
Une: Una, nominative feminine singular of (“one”).

I assume that since it is an origin from Latin, this is why Uno and Una mean one. Latin is the basis for most languages.

So I took the word “El” “The” in Spanish and plied it with “Une” which means “The One”. Basically it’s the Anu scenario from Diablo 3 reloaded. What if Elune has a Tathemet too? :open_mouth:

This is a loaded statement which presupposes you are correct, and that the other person needs to prove that you are correct for you.

Calling somebody ignorant alludes to an ultimate truth to which you are privy and they are not, and it’s not their job to seek out that truth when you are the one who wants them to change.

This is a principle on which we agree. However, it’s not everybody else’s job to do your work for you (anybody) just because you think you are right.

Now we just need anduin and wrathion