Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

You were braying nonsense ergo I figured the conversation was over.

“Conform to me while I berate you!”

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For the sake of parity, if we’re going to break down and eradicate all gender roles (frankly I find it fascinating that the first Night Warrior was a male); who is to say Elune has to be female? I know Night Elves have called her a Goddess, but maybe that should change?

I mean do Gods ‘really’ need to be females to be acceptable? Maybe Elune looks like a man to men, and a woman to women and something totally different to everyone else. Food for thought.

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Evidently it’s been okay since Blizzard decided to take a stand with BLM. I miss the days when the forums were rife with nothing but people complaining about things they do every day regardless.

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Lesbian, broads abudcted by UFOs and forced into wight loss programs. All this week on town talk

I would love to explore further back in ne history - esp if the first night warrior is a male ne

Did the priesthood become female only because of the first night warrior? What was the society like then? I get the sense the ritual was considered taboo

Except even male night elves call her goddess

It was always the case. I mean in Warcraft 3 every faction had at least one female unit, it was only the Horde that didnt have any.

Then in Mists the number of female factions were nearly equal to male ones.

I’m gonna gloss right over the gay part of this and address the multiple people talking about the first night elf Night Warrior being a male that may have missed this part of the article:

There’s a very good chance that these two are not, in fact, Night Elves and are actually from a different planet (that Elune has also affected) entirely.


Then it sounds like we have something else in serious need of a retcon, because the Night Warrior was unless my lore is incorrect, called a female-specific role previously in the books as per the lore.

I’m just saying if your going to change one thing for the sake of inclusiveness you should probably complete the job. There’s no solid reason Elune should remain a female only thing, if said God’s avatar is being altered. :slight_smile:

Also, apperently Cartaker Selendis, which was the night elf warrior you see in Bastion was not retconned out.


So I also assume it changes the voice of people so when they say God, females and everyone else will hear Goddess? That doesn’t make much sense, Elune as a whole may not be female, but the Night Elven society have always worshiped her as such, it would be really foolish to even have a retcon of the sorts, the Night Elves have already gotten too “Humanized”.

I mean, one of the main points that made Night Elves so appealing was their savagery, their mysterious Goddess, and their matriarchal society. After WoW launched, males and females in lore got pretty much equals, especially noticeable in the human society that had a heavily patriarchal society, just like medieval times and then became pretty much egalitarian, the Night Elves were the few that escaped it and they already got so much of their lore destroyed. Let’s not try homogenize more things just for the sake of it, I want a really good explanation as to how a man was accepted into the Sisterhood of Elune and rose to the ranks to be chosen to be the Avatar of Elune’s Wrath.

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I want to see this too. I want to know the full story.

If anything I’d expect all elf’s to be ok with gay marriage

From what bits of lore we have it looks more like a Joanne d’Arc style deal.


This honestly reinforces to me that the Tauren got it right as opposed to the Night Elves. Mu’sha is the Moon Aspect of Elune, An’she is the Sun Aspect of Elune. The Night Warrior is the avatar of wrath, or an absence of their light.

El’Une: (French and Spanish) “The One” - Male and Female aspects combined?

Thus unless we see some seriously unnecessary bludgeoning of the lore for the sake of faux virtue signalling, or perhaps out of a desire to just passive-aggressively attack straight people; then the first Night Warrior being a gay person can and does makes sense.

Equal representation is a sword that cuts both ways remember. Ergo I welcome this.

Or you know Lune just mean moon in french.

Yeah, I like my take on it better. :slight_smile:

I dont care about the gay marriage stuff… but I thought according to the established lore that the Night Warrior was a female role. Im sure I read or heard in game the first Night Warrior was female.

Im happy to be proven wrong but until then my knickers will remain twisted over Blizzard retconning their own lore to put in gay marriage when they could have made it a lesbian marriage.