Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

If you cared about people learning, you would teach. It’s not fair to anybody to demand that they know what they need to know and get mad at them when they don’t, without trying to do your part and making that cohesive vision a reality.

If you’re not willing to be part of the solution, you’re just part of the problem.

I am a female to male transgender person. I have been discriminated against. I have challenged this discrimination an educated people in the past. In fact I won an award for a newspaper article I wrote about the transgender experience which I wrote to directly challenge some people in my journalism class who were calling me slurs behind my back not realizing that I could hear them.

But it gets really exhausting to constantly be educating people when Google exists.


The is such BS and you know it. People don’t want to learn because it means admitting they were in error.


Imagine if two consenting adults could boink and love each other without people getting mad about it.


It’s not their job to be civil and explain to me something I am legitimately trying to understand? Well then WTF do you want from people here huh?! What, just to kowtow and and say “I dont understand and therefore I shouldnt ask?” When I am trying to have a civil discussion with some, other than you btw, who was willing to answer my questions? Sorry but eff you and your sanctamoneous, pithy attitude. You havent once expressed a single non-aggressive statement to anyone in here and guess what, I give a rat’s azz what you think you are reading or what you are offended by. My language was suspect? Who freaking asked you to scrutinize my conversations anyway? It’s not your damn job to police me, jack. Got it?

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It’s unfortunate you have faced discrimination, I don’t doubt that given your transgender status. However, demanding that everybody else go against the grain because you want them to won’t get you any closer to your goal. If you don’t have the patience for it, that’s fine, but you also don’t have the luxury of getting mad at people who don’t have access to the knowledge you do when you don’t share it.

It’s funny, I feel the same way about people who don’t want to teach.

I googled this for you. I suggest doing more googling yourself.

This is an excellent article written by a doctor.


This is nothing but a net positive. Thanks for sharing.

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Don’t think it requires many lessons.

People want to legally marry each other regardless if its the same gender not. And the only people telling them no are people who say no based on the foundation of it being against their Religion.

Now if Churches want to deny gay couples, that’s there right to do so. But that doesn’t stop Conservatives from wanting to ban it altogether regardless of if a Church is willing to or not.

Not that you even need a Church of course.

“The flying spaghetti Monster is real and he’s coming for us. Google it. Google it! Google it!”

You’re not doing any good telling people you’re right and then putting the onus on them to prove that you’re right.

You are not capable of a meaningful conversation so go google what F.O. means. I have no interest in anything you have to say at this point you pompous azz.


If you want information spoon-fed to you you should consider taking a class at your local Community College.

Otherwise you would have to learn about things the same way I did—researching online.

It’s possible to learn quite a lot about anything just by researching online. There’s a wealth of knowledge out there that takes minimal effort to get at.

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You do not need to be sexually attracted to some one for a repationship. Asexuals and there spectrum for example have different reasons to be with someone.



I know more about it then you’re giving me credit for, you seem to be attempting to address a pragmatic facet of a conversation you had with somebody else with the principle I am addressing myself.

This is especially true for any minority asking a majority to readjust themselves. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s right or wrong, good or bad. Practically speaking, you got to do the footwork to change minds.

I’m sorry, I wish I could continue this discussion but there are too many self appointed chaperones in here and one particularly pissed me off. Thx for the attempt at engaging in a civil conversation with me but im done I think. I’m sry.

Who cares?

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Uh. Okay boomer.


You know, I often wish I wasn’t firmly part of the millennial generation, but them’s the cards.

I do appreciate that you resort to name-calling when you have nothing else to contribute to the conversation.

Alliance is the progressive faction. Pick up your game Horde.