Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

So it sold a ton but apperently is super bad? Yeah, from what has been reported so far there plenty of people review bombing it.

I was thinking of buying but i have a ton of other games I want to deal with.

Oh ok. I’m rereading now and I got caught up. I apologize for the accusations.

Yeah, it’s absurd that people think it has to be Alliance only when…yeah.

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I need to see this cut scene

Yes, I believe there is a societal agenda going on. When it comes to individual beliefs, knowledge of what is going on in the world, even feelings, among other things, will factor into weather somebody agrees or disagrees with it.

Every time I go to write something more in depth I end up writing a book or going waaaaaaayyyy off topic. I’ve been called out on going off topic on another thread before (not rly sure if I was) so I’m trying to not do that, lol.

Let’s just agree to disagree? or…uhh…not…whichever floats your golden fleet. :crazy_face:

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Did you actually see the scene though? Go find it on youtube or whatever.

why people are having a fit with the last of us part 2 never played the series

Because the GAAAAYS!


Also I got rid of my post I didn’t think it through and apologized

Yeah I saw. Thank you Clark.

I think because of bad story…not gay relation.

Can we get more Andy and wrathion now please blizz

I don’t see why I’d care. Plenty of games have gratuitous sex scenes. See also: books, movies, tv.

The only difference here is the pairing isn’t two members of the opposite sex. That isn’t even remotely shocking in 2020.

They literally used the phrase “bigot sandwich” in the game.

definitely no agenda being pushed. 10/10 KOTAKU- trusted gaming site.

Didn’t TLOU1 have a decentish story?
Genuine question - don’t own it, don’t really want to play it since I’m still futilely waiting for a new J&D game.

That’s just Blizzard’s writing style, they seriously struggle @ writing relationships. Seeing how things like Thrall x Aggra, and Jaina x Kalec have been handled makes me glad Tracer’s and 76’s relationships have been short, snappy reveals.


Who bloody cares? Don’t acknowledge it then. There’s straight relationships everywhere in WoW, we just saw Lor’themar and Thalyssera. That’s not a gimick, it was a story. But suddenly “People are putting too much of themselves in this game” when there’s a different relationship?

Saying this as a straight woman, get over it. Adding in different kinds of ships isn’t a ‘marketing ploy’ and if it’s making you furious that they’re adding in a story element, then oh well.


It is really good. The ending made me emotional.

To be honest I just went necrolord for the sick kicks and the fact that out leader is named PRIMUS (Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime…). I’m totally spending all my time in Revendreth/Ardenweald…

Well of course there are societal agendas. That’s society. IF you see some anti lgbt “agendas” they have literal agendas you can find in a google search. There are many parts of society and some groups like to maintain there power. I do like talking about such things but I don’t see any harm in positive media portrayals. Compared to the past where lgbt had negative views.

This is from 2014 6 years ago.

Lot’s of fun theories to talk about but games are changing in a good way.

Well, let’s just use TLOU1 as a standalone for now, while we wait for TLOU2 to settle in.

I don’t think it would be the story that would get people up in arms over it, moreover the heroine of the game being LGBT+.

I’m probably rambling and making no sense at this point.