Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Everyone has an agenda. You only seem to care now because you don’t like the implications of this one.

When a company that takes as few risks as Blizzard does something like this, you might be forced to realize that the issue is pretty much over in the zeitgeist, but for a few holdouts.


Hoping for some cool undead mounts and the Soulbinds look sweet as well.

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Last of us part 2 story got leaked before release and some spoiler that people saw kinda enraged them. Can’t reveal it because it will be spoilers :sweat_smile:

I heard about that, but I managed to dodge spoilers like I dodged having kids in my teens.

Okay? This is actually exactly how I would want ‘representation’ to be handled. Subtly. Quietly. Without being made a public show for PR points.

Good on them, I guess?


That is kinda the point of the thread.

But do play the first part. It really evokes emotions. That’s how good the story is.

Ironically we’re getting no new pets or anything really from the realms themselves outside of the covenants stuff, when do we get to tame ghostly and undead beast and what not? Most everything is a “living” reskin of an animal from Azeroth in SL seen tameable so far data-mined.

These are kinda keywords for me. I don’t want ‘representation’ that comes off as a PR play, nor do I want people hyping up what there is for the sake of forum cred.

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I’ll see if I can pick up a copy for cheap, but seeing as my next bit of ‘treat yo’self’ funds are going towards picking up the new Pokemon DLC, that might be on hold for a long while.


Its on sale right now on ps4 :slight_smile:

Bringing more LGBTQ+ Relationships into common media is a way to MAKE it normal. If we don’t make it normal/ common occurence, then we’ll still be seen as freaks or something.


So we don’t know yet if it’s “Gay night” elf marriage, or Gay “night elf” marriage.

Not really a surprise considering the covenants are SL’s main shtick.

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Personally, it is next to impossible to add representation without people thinking it is PR play.

As for “hyping it up” the point is this is the first time something like this happens. I am glad it happened. It would be no different then any one of the dozens/hundreds of lore post.


It’s a little bit easier when you don’t have a 400 post thread making it look like PR.

Well I am not Blizzard. This just happened to be a think I was interested in, besides, I have posted about other things(alot of things) that gotten lots of replies before. Some lore stuff, some gameplay related stufc, some just random stuff I decided to post.


Indeed, this is pretty low key and people are already screaming about the agenda. No one who doesn’t come to the forums will care.

Know what wouldn’t be low key? Anduin and Wrathion making out in an unskippable cutscene. That’s not likely because Blizzard isn’t that brave.

Also because Andy really has a thing for Auntie Jaina.


Really? Isn’t she a bit old for him?

Well its not like any straight couples gets to make out anyway. Personally I would love if Blizzard added actually kiss emotes and hug emotes.