Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Were all the people happy with the last of us 2 and how it turned out?


This is the feeling that many in the horde have towards the alliance and Blizzard has been feeding this perception.
Our leaders, our lore, our phyrrhic victories.

So, when something like a gay couple is created (something abhorrent), it has to be in the alliance, to reinforce the idea of ​​demonization of the faction.

And it certainly still has the potential to be written, or catastrophically transformed, by the same team that gave us BfA in another meme, because ally is a bad place where nothing positive happens.

I haven’t even played that nor have I really paid it any mind so I couldn’t tell you.

But just about everytime someone tries to play the ‘twitter crybabies’ card, they’re doing so while also throwing something akin to a tantrum over something that is realistically not bad.

Wonderful for a gay couple to be shown!


Gays aren’t abhorrent, but your bigotry sure as shoot is!


It…didn’t feel mature though. I mean the romance side of blizzard’s stories feels pretty childish version. A mature romance story will be better.


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Bruh cmon man. You need to get out of here with that.


It has been what, less than 24 hours since its release? Not even long enough to finish the game. Honestly, we will probably have to wait several months before we get actual sales figures.

Let’s be frank - Blizzard’s writing nowadays isn’t really that good.
That they made it a one off mention and not something they hammered into our faces was a good move - you don’t need to shine three million spotlights onto the fact, just having it there and mentioned once is good enough.


Yea I’m sorry it didn’t sound right when I thought of it afterwards I got rid of the comment

Out of all my posts this one I’m serious about apologizing

Your don’t want a mature version of gay relationship ?? Where you can actually relate with it.

Bye Felicia.

Its a 95% review game, a masterpiece of our generation and decade. Games with progressive mind sets get reviewed better and come out on top.

I do.
But not with Blizzard’s current writing.

Maybe when they get better, they can do that.

Sales figures? we knew it sold a ton. It was top selling on amazon. Most people didn’t see the leaks/thought they were fake. Wait a few months and the reviews will be the same. Bad story and gay sex scene with self insert of neil himself in.

I cannot tell if that is sarcasm or not.

I didn’t say that gays are bad. Please read in context.
But how it was demonstrated here

some think they are and that if it is bad it can only happen at ally.

Ehhh…I saw many reviews. It was pretty panned as boring and bland story.

They’ve had het sex scenes in games for years. Big deal, boring romance is boring romance.

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