Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Yeah good luck with that. Just what i want in my video game. There is a reason why these threads about “diversity is our strength!!!” get so much backlash.

It is only to cater to a tiny % of the population so they don’t cry on twitter calling blizzard racist.


This. Hence it feels forced.

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If you feel that way now, you’re going to have a bad time over the next decade.

We already knew anyone that played a male night elf was gay, now we have Blizzards confirmation.

Still waiting on male draenei.

It’s not your video game, it’s Blizzard’s.

Warcraft is making progress with an interracial elf relationship. Tons of human elf relationships. Now we get to have more variety on characters sexuality! Good on blizz for getting with the times

They’ve had tons of those.

This is why no one likes you.


Well now it’s a nightborne and belf. Not 2 pink races

It’s not only to cater to people because we have players that are lgbt myself included. My friends too. It’s nice to see different stories and characters ingame with different traits and relations. We grew up with stuff our grandparents never saw. Times change and it does help.


wt actual f?


Ah, point.

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ok, cool, i guess.

not sure why the thread is reported it’s just giving a positive opinion on something blizzard did…

Superman has a habit of trolling in every post. Don’t get riled up.

Sure. IT is up to them to cater to the crybabies on twitter. We don’t need a OW/WOW crossover where Jaina and sylvanas just come out as gay together out of nowhere like 76 did.


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Lust is lust

The only person who’s crying seems to you about fictional characters being together who just so happen to be of the same gender as one another.


Really wouldn’t be surprised by any of that. Just like we all knew 76 was.

Eh’, 76’s reveal wasn’t exactly out of nowhere. We saw a hint that he might have feelings for another man way back in tracer’s comic :man_shrugging: