Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

will you two just kiss already?


We weren’t discussing about gay relationships. It was about you saying I was defensive. You are practicing what you preach as what you wrote in of itself is deflecting. Hope you see the irony.

I’m all for variety. Anduin and wrathion would make a cute couple too.


I don’t mingle with Orcs. So no.

No I didn’t
It’s probably Horde only

My comment was in reference to an agenda that multiple companies are pushing. As far as “just the audio” is concerned, since it seems you’re interested in my opinion enough to comment on it. I’ll say the same thing that I said in an earlier comment, give an inch and people take a mile. The world today is proof of that.

As far as anything else you may be interested in knowing, just read my other comments, unless you’re interested in knowing something I haven’t already commented on. I’d be happy to discuss!

Time tells all things, Terranox. We both hopefully will be able to see how it plays out.

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So, you’ve “finished” with me but can’t keep responding - and in your mind this is you winning, right? Okay.

I edited the comment I was wrong to say this it came out wrong sorry and sorry blizzard

I want Wrathion to become a muscular model for next Model he get. And Anduin as the little shy geek who always had a crush on the Hot guy from the gym XD

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It went super well for the last of us 2 did not not?

They two are perfect for each other.

See, the irony, you keep responding too. I told you I’m bored and entertaining this stupid back 'n forth. Don’t have much else to do anyway.

Inserted the Klingon mating speech thing that worf does in tng here.

Lmao hey they seem to be very compatible.

game got pretty panned out.

Agenda? It’s just the time’s catching up with society. 70 years ago we had a big racial problem and I’m sure the transition to stuff like interracial marriage and portrayal in media and all that stuff that went down the line didn’t sit well with people as time passes. But times change, I think it’s great we see stories and characters that reflect stuff we as players face.

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So, lack of gendered pronouns in darnassian confirmed then.

For some reason they updated Wrathion Model as the Hot douchebag (F***Boy). So

He’s been making gains to impress andy

Representation in any kind of media has a HUGE impact on the upbringing of the youth it represents, let it be any kind of angle, racial, diversity, etc.

It is as simple as trying to be in someone else’s unprivileged shoes to understand this logic.