Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

So Demon Hunters

Then why say someone is defensive when they aren’t. Seems like pointless trolling that just wastes my time.

Fine by me if that’s your jam.

How does it feel forced? Like you just heard the audio
 people will complain about anything lol Like you didn’t even see it in game and you are already saying “It feels forced”


If you aren’t clever enough to see the joke and your first go-to is an insult, yeah, that’s you being defensive. Maybe you should ask yourself why you get so upset about something like this.

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Who cares doesn’t the nightborne leader say she’s bi? Good for them they live in a fantasy world where they can do as they please.



Ah, but those aren’t the “good” elves, are they?

Pretty pathetic that this is still a problem for people.


You find that an insult? And you insult me lol
 maybe your ‘‘joke’’ was a stupid one that shouldn’t equate itself to being a joke in the first place. But go waste someone elses’ time if you keep thinking I’m upset over your silly non-jokes.

What led you to think the hippie elves didn’t explore their sexuality? I’m personally okay with this being canon. Who cares who digs on who in the lore. It here have been subtle undertones of this since vanilla for multiple characters.

Are you talking about Thalyssra? Because I am pretty sure she never said that.

Are you trying to argue you didn’t intend it as such? Really?

Look, your hackles are up. You’re upset. Figure out why.

I always interpreted the text to be referring to Tyrande. If it is a retcon, it’s an incredibly minor one.


No just bored. I just am laughing when you people keep going on with this. I don’t feel bad if you think that was an insult. I guess you implying I’m not clever isn’t one.

Go troll better dude, you need to find someone who actually is angry and not bored that will reply all the time XD

Thought she made a remark in a moment of verse about being with a woman shrug let them do their thing

You didn’t attend Thrall’s big ol’ wedding?


Night Elves are sort of like the Greek astronomers of WoW.

And now you’re deflecting. Sorry the existence of a gay relationship in a tiny corner of the lore upsets you so much.


Nope it was regarding what a nightwarrior was in the dialog maiev does. Not sure how you’d think it’s about Tyrande. Just break down what was said and it’s about something else.

I’m pretty sure she didnt but I read it in french so I might have missed that.