Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Thing is blizzard is bad when it comes to romance.

And second thing is this feels totally forced.

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How is this different than any other hackish romance put in a story just to fill space?

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Xe’ra was a homophobe

But again, it’s something pretty easy to ignore. An extremely minor detail

I agree with many in this thread that the real kick in the nads to the lore nerds is the fact that the first night warrior was male and not female.

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unlike how blizzard forces in too many reference char’s and scenes?

I honestly don’t think it’s forced. It’s a lil bit of ‘Oh yeah they’re my spouse’ and they don’t dwell on it. They move right back to why they took up the night warrior, and the consequences for Tyrande.

Now, if they were going ‘WE’RE MARRIED WE’RE MARRIED DID WE MENTION WE’RE MARRIED’ as if it was the sole facet of their personality? I’d wholeheartedly agree with you, it would be simply for the sake of tokenism, or something.


This one has an outside agenda
 e.g not to do with WoW per se.

Edit: but ya
the romances make me facepalm XD

Well they have been stuck in that Argus prison together since the end of Legion so no telling what they’re getting up to.

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Got an example off the top of your head?
I’m asking because my memory is shot to hell and back.

Against their enemies, the kaldorei used overwhelming military power, their armies supported by Elune’s blessings. The night elves’ greatest soldiers were bestowed the goddess’ fury through dangerous rituals, and these Night Warriors secured Kalimdor for the empire.

During this period of prosperity, a new leader emerged among the kaldorei.

The is the story of the rise of Night Elves society before Azshara became Queen so


After a 1000 years of each other, i bet they do too.


Up next:

Illidan marries Sargeras. The wedding is an ingame event as pre-patch to 10.1.

Things change ALL THE TIME in PTR. Anduin was suppose to die in Mists. We actually had an effeminate voice for one of the dragon bosses once but it was removed.

People have said for years gender/gender identity does not matter? Now it suddenly does because the first night warrior is male?

in bfa we gotten quite a few references.
Winnie the poo, being in stormsong

Seems to me like, for good or ill, Blizzard is the arbiter of what is and is not of the world in WoW. So, you’re wrong on that point.

I can see that. I do hope you’re right! :slight_smile:

Yeah I’ll be frank
I was not paying attention at ALL while leveling through BFA.

But it will be like Thrall’s questline in Cata

We have to quell Illidan’s
 elemental forces
 before he’s ready for marriage.

This is so brave of Blizzard im crying and shaking atm