Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

It is technically not canon because those two never met. More of a meta canon sort of deal.

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We’re already mad, babyyyyy

You’re skating on thin ice bub :face_with_monocle:

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They’ve already given inches in the last decade, just little bits of gay and it’s been nice.

Some people like romance, it’s a minor detail. It’s almost always able to be ignored.

Val’sharah being maybe an exception.


Azshara ruled for thousands of years, I believe. There are also some suggestions that she established the night elf empire, so no, there’s no evidence that there were more night elf rulers before that.

Romance is boring. Night Elf purists losing their minds over this minor bit of lore, on the other hand, is rather entertaining.

This is what winning looks like Horde!

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wait you can say the word gay on the forums but you can’t write the latin word for “man”?

It wasn’t even a gender specific word when we used it either, it literally meant “the race of man” as in our species.

So when you try to spell out the actual name of our subspecies, you get a warning telling you that you aren’t allowed to use that word.

Wish they wouldn’t be so stifling about words especially when there are very clearly and well established multiple definitions and uses of a word.

No it doesn’t. The world just keeps throwing this stuff in everyone’s faces (not saying YOU are doing that). It just makes me sigh anymore.

How can I say this
it doesn’t feel organically done? It feels forced? Hmm

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 this is oddly no surprise

Some anvils need to be dropped.
Some things need to be forced.


Well, I do agree with you there. :rofl:

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Cool story bro.

So that is what Illidan meant when he said the hand of fate must be forced

Illidan said gay rights.

Illidan x Sargeras fanfic inbound. I’d like to see anyone try and stop me

This Leothalis, should not be one of those things. It’ll turn people away from it more than it’ll draw people to it. Like I’ve said
time will tell.

It is forced. They datamined things earlier where it was that a night warrior was a she. Now it’s a he. Gotta wonder with everything going on if they aren’t just doing these changes to not fall into the PC’s crowd’s bad graces since now everything is racist, homophobic, so on and so forth.


use the plural: homines

Probably doesn’t matter we’re all going to end up being robosapiens eventually.