Gay couples > straight couples?

Dex, if getting hit feels good, we need to get you hooked up with someone who can explain… In the mean time pls accept :kiss: :kiss:

Dexter, first rule of fight club, man!

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Goes to show leaving things to the imagination makes it better than when they write it out sometimes lol.

Pleasure and pain uses the same sensories. Just saying.

omg, yer right, love is love… no matter what… lols, you grew me!

issue with love is, it’s too dependent. If you can find the same feelings from other avenues you are better off. Love is weakness it only makes you dependent on others and in the end everyone is alone.

If it were another RPG I’d probably agree about not being able to respond in the way you would, but WoW never really had much of a dialogue system to begin with. NPCs just spout lines at us as we stand there completely silent 99% of the time.

Beyond that I was never bothered by a NPC flirting with my character in a RPG. Especially if we’re talking about Ji Firepaw who had just 1 comment.

I’d say the worse offender in WoW is the Goblin starting area where your character is in a relationship regardless of if you wanted them to be or not.

It is not like certain straight characters ever got many scene ingame about their relationship. The biggest example is Vereesa(aside from some ingame event stating they are married the two never interacted). Same with Kalec/Jaina.

Agreed and that is pretty much what I am talking about. Although the flirting part sucks too. But being placed in a relationship isn’t right.

Nothing about that post was homophobic or bigoted.


Rawr, I doubt this is accurate. Addiction is weakness… don’t get addicted - this is the clinch I think. Fight doesn’t make babies. Our answer lies between us…

I disagree, you don’t need to love someone to have babies with them. That is purely a physical function that doesn’t require love at all.

You know, I hate to agree again… so I’ll give the semantic nod. On other hand, healthy societies don’t rape. You have a frontal lobe, and are no longer an animal. There is no excuse to keep acting like one. Rawr, until we get to our room…

I was not aware of any of the stuff you just mentioned. Because it’s not in the game. Personally I’m fine with them developing that stuff primarily outside the game. So, fair enough.

Well I wasn’t going down that avenue but that is one possible way. I was talking more the apathetic way of simple artificially having it done. Which could easily be from people you hate and you wouldn’t even know it…

Wait, hating someone you don’t know - this is what is happening now with party politics lols. Yes, in-vitro, this too is a way. It’s not the norm though (OMFG IT really is the way with real pandas!). It’s ok if we can find common place for answer, the question has plagued humans for generations - centuries. Love vs War. Well, thats what Chen told me…

probably an ideological problem.

the one time they made malfurion act like a male in a believable relationship from a culture with different ideas of power dynamics, they got crapped on and told it was wrong.

if people could simply understand that this is fantasy, that’d help a lot.

I honestly find it disturbing since Wrathion is still a kid if you think about it. Doesn’t matter what his body looks like its just an illusion he created.

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Well there is that and then there is people that do all the steps it takes to make babies just because they hate eachother. There is a term for this but pretty sure the wording would get me a mute. Apparently Hatred makes the passion stronger.

You can see an example of people that do this in the Netflix Series. Orange is the New Black. But it’s a thing in the real world too.

Never noticed and most probably don’t care.