Gay couples > straight couples?

Because the people who write the storyline are lawyers and accountants rather than people with any sort of literary creativity.

Next question?

You think Shaw and Flynn are a work of art? Shaw and Flynn felt rushed, and overly shoehorned because it happened over the course of two chapters, and all began with Flynn accidentally flopping into Shaw, and Shaw getting a whiff of that manly man smell of alcohol and a wet coat.

I dunno. I don’t think there’s anything too stellar about Shaw and Flynn either. Blizzard just doesn’t do romance very well.

I need details on Shaw and Flynn sexual relationship.

graphic… details.

Like what are their common interests, and what were their plans in a post BfA world?

Short version: Shaw is put on a boat with Flynn and his crew to sail to Zandalar. The entire time is literally Shaw ignoring Flynn until they wind up having a conversation which Shaw entertains out of boredom and because he knows Flynn won’t shut up. They open up a bit, the boat gets hit by a storm, Shaw and Flynn both fall into a wall, and Flynn smells like salt, the sea, and alcohol, which somehow tickles all of Shaw’s fancy buttons.

The next time we hear about Shaw and Flynn is Shaw in a prison and day dreaming about Flynn and him being in chairs in a field sharing stories and smelling grass. One whiff of Flynn, and Shaw’s day dreaming about him.

:sunglasses: It’s amazing being called a bigot for pointing out a real problem that’s already been acknowledged.

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No. The other kind of graphic details.

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So standard Blizzard relationship? I mean again people like Jaina/Kalec or Thalyssra/Lothermar were build on about the same.

Although in real life, life long partnership/romance have been built on less.

thats ok i’d rather the game have other more interesting stories

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Yes, hence my line where I said:

That doesn’t answer any of the questions I have.

That’s all we got.

Guys… love finds a way.

Didnt you see Jurassic Park.

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I mean does anyone really have an objective way to tell what a good romance it? Hell, one of my former boyfriends thought Twilight was a good romance.

Personally I like the pairing about the same as I like most of WoW pairing. They are fun and generally have what we call “kilig” factors.

Shaw and Flynn? Someone wanted littlefinger and Varys in their fanfic

This post has some strong Sappho and Her Friend energy.

This is the result of wanting to write a love story for a couple, in this case a gay couple, yet being afraid to write a story for a couple so it ends up like this.

When you have a situation this like, it ends up adding a tension to the relationship that’s being slowly, hesitantly crafted and that builds, peaking interest and making the audience wonder.

That leads to a good story. I wish they were more afraid to simply write because then the whole game could have that recipe in it’s story line.

It’s because the straight couples don’t have any chemistry and are just kinda there - but Shaw and Flynn were really built up.

Straight couples have been done to death in so many genres at this point. Gay couples are fresh and new.

So, yeah … straight is just boring/vanilla right now, really. Gay is much more interesting.

I think gay couples when written in fiction are more interesting since they really have to try for it to be convincing. Straight couples you can kind of just put there with little effort required