So why is it every straight relationship in this game like Tyrande and Malfurion or Thrall and Aggra is terribly written and cringeworthy, meanwhile Shaw and Flynn are a work of art?
Hoo, this is some weak bait, son.
I see plenty of fish in your future, my son.
(Someone’s gonna catch the pun)
Oh man this threads gonna go places.
I’m happy and excited with where Blizzard is going in the direction of things, and very much happy about Shaw and Flynn!
Anduin and Wrathion really are a work of art. The “will they / won’t they” anticipation has been killing me for years.
implying any relationship written in game is good, Shaw & Flynn came out so good cuz they had a short story and a good chunk of a novel dedicated to them
Because we haven’t actually seen their relationship played out in game. If you don’t think it will be turned into a joke like very other, you are fooling yourself. After all all the shots taken at Tyrande and Malfurion take place in game, in the books they are written fairly well.
if by art you mean there’s literally nothing in the game and just some in terribly written book
It’s because Shaw x Flynn dumbfounded everyone so hard that we all just wanted it to work even if it was terrible. Thus, the writers actually put in effort to feed the hype.
Less than 2 minutes to be flagged, that has to be a record of some kind!
Can’t tell is OP is serious…
Although I support the pairing wholeheartedly, FlynnShaw came out of nowhere with 0 build-up. Not sure how that’s “well-written”.
Is this sarcasm? There’s never been any evidence for the pairing in the first place.
What about the windrunners?
Confirmation bias.
It’s an old meme, don’t worry about it
my favorite relationship in wow was the fling between Lieutenant Thorn and Baros Alexston during WoD…
The budding relationship between a furry yiff vixen and human male… but unfortunately Baros lost his life by putting himself infront of a thrown blade to protect Lieutenant Thorn when the Burning Blade invaded our garrisons, and he sacrificed his life to protect her.
imo, this relationship between a furry and a human was far more socially taboo and a far greater work of art than the gay relationship you’ve mentioned between shaw and flynn.
Then put a sarcasm tag or something.
Because that’s how it is IRL as well.
I never thought I’d say this but…I miss the political threads.
But where is my bisexual quartet representation?! >:(
/s don’t kill me