Gay couples > straight couples?

Because they’re actually trying now.

Shaw and Flynn was a joke the moment they made them. They seriously should of chose someone beside the Rogue trainer. Then it might have been taken seriously.


“The rogue trainer” … he’s always been more than that. He’s the leader of SI:7, and for several expansions a major lore character.

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The quantity I imagine.

There’s only 3 gay couples in WoW compared to the what 50 or so straight couples? There haven’t been enough gay couples for you to notice a bad one.

Not gonna eat the food, nope.

To that end, I actually like what we’ve seen so far of Lor’themar and Thalryssa. The poetry is a little cheesy, maybe, but I’m at least interested enough to see if they get hitched or have dusk/dawnborne kids.


He is still the rogue trainer. No matter what they add to that, he will always be the rogue trainer.

They’re all lousy to me but people will have biases and there are some that have biases simply because they’re popular amongst a certain group of people, if you will.

sips expensive tea in expensive bathrobe

Yeah but this is kind of like saying that Saurfang is just the guy you hand a quest into.

It’s not really fair to the fact that they’ve fleshed out the character to being more than just that.


Probably cause after 10,000 years Tyrande and Malfurion don’t have any happy fun time.

Shaw and Flynn though … you know there’s some lovin’ goin’ on.

new flash none of these companies care about any of this politically correct stuff. its shoehorned in hence why its poorly written.

Maybe for some people, but when ever I seen him I always recognized him as the rogue trainer. Maybe it’s just a vanilla rogue thing.


Less love, more warcraft.

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Don’t you know, warcraft is a fanfiction now.

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Also, was Shaw ever actually a proper rogue trainer?

I know he was involved in a lot of rogue quests but WoWhead Classic isn’t listing him as an actual trainer and I’m too lazy to log into Classic to check right now.

Booooooooo! :neutral_face:

Who could forget those two naga you killed during the Aszhara fight

I believe so, but if I’m to be honest I’m not sure if he was during or if it was after classic.

Don’t worry the horde will get some great fanfiction too. You see Baine will discover he has a long lost brother and just like any true fanfiction. Before they know they are siblings they will fall madly in love.


Wait, Shaw and Flynn are together?