Gay couples > straight couples?

There is nothing romantic about Wrathion and Anduin tho its just a creepy fanfic thing people push


Poligamic bisexual couples > All

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Because straight couples can’t go on two seconds without making jokes about how much they can’t stand each other.

Gay couples don’t have silly gender norms making everything 10x harder than they have to be.


1/10 you can craft a better bait post than that cant you?

Look, I know you’re busy trying to paint a narrative, but… the mainstream gay male community is all about gender norms to the point of fetishization.


anduin likes female draenai

Why didn’t ya’ll do this yesterday on Sunday?
You always do these threads Monday morning.
I’m disappointed in you people.

Maybe that applies to elves.

Humans always get jealous though. No matter how much someone says “I don’t care if you sleep with other people. We’re in an open relationship”, they always get upset at some point.

Mainly because flynn was chasing after Talia the entire time.


You must have forgotten about Riko x Kiryn.


Is GD trending moronic threads today?


What do you mean today?


The best relationship is the one where youre single

Unfortunately it’s come to this because it somehow turns into a 1000 long flame war

I was going to say it must be different people writting. But then I remembered Lor’Themar and Thalyssra being cringy AF as well so I guess it’s more like Shaw and Flynn always just had natural chemistry while all the others kinda were there by design of being there.

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Don’t be jelly of the fish!

The reason for Flynn and Shaw being so well done is.

I do not agree about prior relationships being “cringe worthy”. Most have not had this type of treatment done for us and therefore are viewed only through the moments that are highest in stress and other people being there.

I hope to see more short stories and vignettes highlighting many characters and making them more fully fleshed.

Also has a thing for Femdorfs as well.

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This is true but it’s better to have a discussion about that in our own spaces, not here.

Lul homophobes get triggered so easily :kissing_heart:

We’re talking about WoW couples, don’t bring your bigotry here.