Gatekeeping started already.. RDF is needed

so explain to me waiting hours to get into a group, travelling to dungeon to be told “just wanted to see if you would make the run, loser mages dont belong in our group”, or “youre a clothy, our healer doesnt heal clothies” or,and this one was my absolute crowning favorite… “we dont want you breeders in our group”

yeah your lfg tool is fantastic… not. and im sooooooo glad this is the social interaction that blizzard wants to promote.

so i tried to form my own group … listed among dozens of other dps trying to do the same thing, in 3 hours got one healer and one dps, i quit wasting my time. current lfg tool FORCES players to use it to pug… RDF does NOT force anyone to use it.

and i dont think you were there, im of the firm belief your a liar and a troll. you just suddenly pop up with all these stories that are just regurgitated rdf and clasicandy speeches.


Haha bro, so pathetic. Stop. My sides hurt


what a load of bs lmao


Well, Mr well-adjusted, emotionally normal guy. Feel free to look through the achievements on this character. I think you’ll find “The Immortal” and "Celestial Defender " feats of strength as adequate evidence of my claims of having been there.

Enjoy being you friend. It’s certainly been a treat for me

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You could just be better and then you wouldn’t be gate keeped


Except it has mattered. Right off the top of my head was the entire pvp system in classic.

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blah blah blah, how you keep getting new character here rdf i will never know, just another to add to the no fly list.

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I suppose you’ve given up on forming coherent sentences at this point? I can understand as it’s probably easier to start dissembling into rambling nonsense than it is to face the fact that people don’t like you, and that’s why you can’t get groups.

You have full access to see this characters achievements all of which are time stamped. Many of which are 2008-10 But you’re not really interested in the truth are you. You just want to rage on in the hopes of finding some desperate shred of validation, a goal which you have quite ironically projected on to me

Classic WOTLK had LFD rofl. You guys crack me up


No it doesnt; retail WOTLK had LFD.

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I think you hit the major point, but that had nothing to do with RDF. The importance of the game world was diminished with the onset of cross-realms and layering. In Wrath, you would still see people out (mats, Time-Lost, fishing, pvp, etc). Once those became prevalent in later iterations of the game, it became an issue of not seeing people you recognized while you were out in the world. That had a far greater impact on the community and health of the game than RDF.

I agree, but in my opinion, RDF was the beginning of that. Make no mistake though, if they had included the tool as it was back then, I wouldn’t really care either way. I just appreciated being able to have my work done after completing the heroic dungeons. Instead of having people just want to spam them all night.
There were always people complaining about catering to casuals, whether it was pre-patch epics, or removal of attunements etc. All of the little things stacked up over time and the balance tipped in Cata.

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theres the problem, these people quoting retail experience claiming to have played wrath, but im not buying that they were around for the original experience. which the original RDF did nothing they claim rdf has done in retail. and if you cross em on it, you are either a liar or a troll, or have never played the game at all.


Hey man. Get some help. You’re the only one on here calling people liars and trolls. While also, unironically claiming the people kicked you out of a group for being a breeder. Definitely nothing fishy about your claims

dont bother too hard trying to reason with the mentally unstable

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My t5/6 geared hunter getting denied for 30 straight minutes for a dungeon queue is not me “holding myself back”. It is because people would rather have mages and warlocks for AoE. Can’t fault the player when their class is less desirable than another.

This does not happen.

Again, different play styles for different people. You wouldn’t expect a DPS to reroll to a tank or healer because the DPS queue is 50+ minutes.

So until you’re a skilled and knowledgeable player, 5 man dungeons are off limits?

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If you can’t muster what it takes to form your own five man, you might as well give up everything else in the game. And I would and do absolutely tell a character why I was kicking them before I did it. I can’t speak to what you would do. Also, perhaps there is a greater level of toxicity on whatever server you’re on, but your experience does not speak to me. In my pretty tenured experience, people don’t get too sweaty about 5-mans, at least not in wrath. Keystones sure, MOP challenge modes, definitely. Wrath heroics? Lul.
It doesn’t really matter what your spec or build is if you’re building the group. If those pedestrian hurdles are too great, then I suggest that MMORPG is not the genre for you.

No thank you. The removal of Rfd is the singlular reason Im even playing again

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Open the group finder, for any wrath dungeon right now. I’m doing it right this instant, past midnight on a work night. For an example:

Violent hold - 2 tanks, a healer, and two dps. All sitting there, just waiting for someone to whisper them. A full group, if you were a dps.

Utgarde keep - 3 tanks. A group with a healer and 2 dps. Multiple dps.

Drak-tharon keep - a tank, 3 heals, multiple dps. another one where a single person showing even the tiniest bit of initiative, would be in a group almost instantly.

Are there going to be points where you’ll need to wait/spam for a tank/healer for a specific dungeon you want? Sure, that’s part of the game. But for the most part, it’s painfully easy to get groups if you want groups, you just can’t click a button and sit in queue, if you’re not playing an in demand role.


Sat in queue at like 2am for 10 minutes on a rogue with horrible gear and ended up doing like 3 runs with the same people.

Honestly it’s no where near as bad as what anyone is trying to say

Honestly it’s all there and people are just being too lazy to actually use the tool and invite people and just sitting around waiting for it to happen and when it doesn’t happen with in 6 seconds then lose your mind

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