Nothing stops you from making your own group without those restrictions…
Gatekeeping is such a victimhood mentality word. No one is holding an individual player back but themselves. It requires at least some basic attention to get a group together yes. You do occasionally have to deal with riff raff. Queued as a healer but you’re pure dps? Guess who just lost their spot. A nice explanation and a “good luck” is fair and not toxic right before you boot them. If someone is completely geared incorrectly, or has a terrible spec, and someone with limited time wants to keep looking for a better dps option to increase the likelihood of success, that is perfectly reasonable. Not every group leader will feel that way. If you’re complaining that you can’t get into a group, but you just “prefer not to” form your own, or find a guild, or improve your own viability, I have little sympathy. That doesn’t mean I have to be rude or cruel. It just means that if I’m going to wait hours to play, I want to be successful. For the record, I despise the inclusion of gearscore and things like that. Barring someone from entry purely on an item level isn’t my MO. But I think others should have the right to do that. I was once the baddie. I was a ret with spirit gems, because they were cheap on the AH, and I had no concept of stat weights. My spec was all wrong, I went with what sounded okay as I leveled. Rotation? What’s that? Oh I have to seal twist. Well, now I don’t know how to manage my mana. I clicked…everything. No macros. No keybinds. The solution was to learn where I was limiting myself, and make improvements.
Sounds like “victimhood” to say RDF ruined the game…no one forces anyone to use RFD. don’t use it if you don’t like it.
I said RDF contributed to player toxicity and lack of social accountability. I don’t have to use it for that to be the case.
I’m laughing so hard at the tools that only invite people in sunwell gear to UK and Nexus
As you should. They’re just making fools of themselves at that point. For many groups like that, I find that the “gatekeeper” is just some scrub who wants a carry. Best to move on to a group that is willing to struggle together than to bend over to satisfy someone who will likely not carry their own weight.
Which is one of its flaws. 15 minutes of having to put up with someone who could be toxic.
Nah it’s actually happening though, you can call it an opinion if you want but that’s like what a real opinion is
I saw one yesterday that was advertising for dungeons while leveling but “geared” was a requirement. It made me lol.
Yes, LFD is needed. If it isn’t put in, then myself and 90% of everyone else will level to 80 and go do something else instead… which is what the vocal minority want anyway. To play almost completely alone then complain the servers are dead LOL
Heroic dungeons are hardly high end content. Why not form a group yourself? By complaining about being excluded from strangers groups, while not taking the very easy and well-documented steps on your end, you’re effectively validating their opinion.
You want automatic, stationary queuing so you don’t have to interact with others, and if you can’t solo queue your way through the entire game you’re going to quit playing? Who is it that wants to play alone on a dead server again? Massive projection.
This is exactly the mentality which pushed Blizzard into turning Retail into the arcade style, solo button smasher it is now. Admit that you just don’t want to deal with the consequences of not being at least adequate.
You’re a Vulpera named Vulpera crying for RDF. Literally the majority of Pro RDF are retail players. Classic only players want to play classic only not retail garbage
Ah yes TBC which was so bad they literally deleted it. And that didn’t have RDF and was considered by many to be the best WoW expansion… Great community.
worst take I’ve ever seen when RDF is involved. I’ve yet to experience this since it was introduced. But I’ve seen this attitude when it’s for LFR because they like the look of that raid tier item or is an upgrade to what they need.
This already happens right now.
You’re opinions are more of a minority experience, or just flat out unlucky.
I can assure you that they were not a minority experience in 2010. Maybe it’s because I was exposed to a broader player base than on my relatively civil local server. It was the birth of zero consequence gameplay. Before these types of game mechanics existed, people would remember your name and you would get a bad rep for behaving like that, at least on my server. People don’t group with you then. Being an jerk comes with drawbacks.
You don’t have to agree with me, but I think the fact that Blizzard removed the tool speaks to the fact that many people agreed with me, and for the record I was not involved in any feedback to Blizzard. I just happened to share the opinion.
Player toxixity is not the worst outcome, although I do believe it increased. The overall worst consequence, imo, is the removal of the importance of the game world, and the loot-a-rama effect. So many people stopped wanting to challenge themselves or explore, and instead just spam dungeons for mediocre upgrades. How boring. And who can blame them. Blizzard effectively said “we’ve created this massive sandbox for you to play in, and now here are the tools you need to avoid it entirely.”
::applause:: you certainly hit all the anti rdf talking points. so whos alt are you? rdf did nothing of which you claim it has done, it had close to zero effect on subs as the number increased after its inception. and everything you claim with your group talk… happens now but you have to pile gatekeeping elitist tryhards on top of it.
i wont even go to quoting everything youve said that tips your hand as being a sweaty tryhard elitist gatekeeper.
its sadly pathetic that you require a game to validate you. what matter is it for anyone how hard it is for someone else you dont know, dont guild with to experience all the game has to offer? only trolls and tryhards who need the false validation from a game that means nothing in the real world.
I want some of that RDF baby cuz it’s da bomb.
Just a taste is all I want.
and nothing stops you from not using rdf and forming your groups manually while allowing those that want rdf to use it. except then you dont get to prevent people from running.
literally a trash thread. no1 is gatekeeping you lmao simply because gatekeepers arnt pugging
Haha. Sweaty elitist tryhard gatekeeper. Group think. That’s good stuff. So, anyway Mr No-Sunlight-for-years, are you routinely this angry? I can certainly understand why it would be difficult for you to find people who enjoy playing with you.
I’ve been playing for about 3 weeks, and this is my main, and my highest level character in classic. I’m not familiar with any anti-rdf movement, outside of what I’ve encountered today.
It did all that I said it did. I was there. I formed this opinion in 2010 as I watched player behavior begin to resemble the toxic, entitled temper-tantrum you just eloquently demonstrated. With your delicate emotional balance, and incompatibility with even the slightest semblance of social adversity, I think your personality may be better suited to something like League of Legends, or maybe even CoD.