Starting today, I’m experiencing a bug where when I fly out of my garrison and come back, the proper garrison architecture for a level 3 garrison doesn’t load properly. My garrison buildings are sitting in the woods. It’s like its loading the environment the way it looks before you build the garrison there.
Hey, yeah, I’m having this same issue this evening, post patch.
The thing is, when I hearth into my WoD garrison, everything loads just fine. However, if I port into Stormsheild, Ashran, and then fly into my garrison at Lunarfall, everything goes bonkers like Malaszun mentioned.
Its like the wilderness area that was there originally is colliding with the buildings that should be there now. There’s plants and large boulders in my lvl 3 Mage tower, blocking me from walking up the tower ramp. And my lvl 3 Town Hall just isn’t there are all.
So yup, that’s the state of WoD garrisons right now, it would seem.
Same for me and my gaming partner, we zone in and it is glitched. If we port in or Warp Gate, loads fine. And they still haven’t fixed monuments either. Probably won’t get to fixing garrison loading issues either. Old content not on their priority list.
Sounds like a great time to look at fixing Garrison Monuments too!
please yes. though its been literal years. i’ve lost hope
Similar issue, only most of my garrison is buried under snow (as the terrain looked before the garrison was built at the start of the quest chain).
The main building is gone, with most of its’ contents and external decor floating in the air. The rest of the buildings are buried inaccessibly in snow, except for the auction house and bank which are just revealed enough to be able to interact with their respective NPCs. Can’t really get at the one thing I use most, which is obtaining the 4-hour buff that prevents gear wear.
I call and raise Hukilau’s statement, so to speak, and suggest it is a great time to fix ALL of the garrison issues (I have a navy that’s capped at 0/0 ships, a few garrison-related quests that can never be finished due to NPCs not being where they need to be, portals in the Spirit Lodge only work one way - out - if at all, etc), including the monuments.
These fixes are so long overdue it’s ridiculous. And it’s not like there haven’t been regular requests for help; I’ve been reading other posts while trying to get my garrison fixed for years with no real progress; tech support started off helpful, then just… I dunno… pawned me off on the forums instead of even trying to help.
Don’t exactly have any hope left, but we need this.
Yep, it looks like I’m in the woods, but the outlines of some buildings exist. If I go into the “inn,” I can see through the world.
i’m also in this boat! i can see vendors and buildings but i cannot see the garrison as a whole. i also cannot open my mail on any character!!?? lol
Same here. I just want to get my garrison setup on my alt
It seems that I get disconnected when phasing back into the garrison. I am assuming this is some sort of anti-cheat as you get stuck under the ground.
I’m getting this issue as well.
Logging out and back in seems to fix it, but depending on where you are you may start falling through the ground, so make sure you’re on a flying mount ready to go back up.
I’ll add my voice to this. Experienced the same thing earlier today. Was in my garrison. Mounted up to test to see if the Rocket Shredder had been fixed, flew around Shadowmoon for a few seconds, then came back. Thought I had “lost” my garrison, so I used the map to find it. I landed in the center and saw wilderness and NPCs, but the buildings weren’t quite right (I didn’t think I saw them). Then, as soon as my mount’s feet touched the ground, I disconnected.
Logging back in correctly put me in my garrison.
Same here. Ever since patch, you cant leave your garrison and come back to it without a loading issue. NPCs are there. 2 or 3 buildings are there, submerged in snow. Id post a screenshot if i could lol. Only way to make it fully reload is to log out and back in.
Same thing here, if I hearth into my garrison, everything’s fine. Fly away down to my shipyard, then fly back, and the base buildings (tower, walls, town hall) don’t show up, but the ones you place down on the plots do, but over the original terrain which if you dare to land on it, you DC and enter an infinite disconnect loop requiring the use of the character unstuck feature to stop.
Though I’ll add something really off, and may warrant an alarm bell. While I was down at my shipyard, someone else showed up and started using their shipyard table. We both could see each other and were very confused, because we were strangers who weren’t partied. But more-so the fact that, this was in the shipyard. Even IF we were partied we still shouldn’t be able to see each other, because shipyards are totally phased to where you’re the only player there.
So yea… phasing’s borked, hard. One can wonder if this is a thing that’s happening in other zones with notable phasing.
Yep, I noticed the same thing about the shipyard. Seeing other people there using the table and ship builder. And the only way I can get the garrison to load properly is to either log in there, or use my garrison hearth stone. Luckily, I haven’t run into the DC issue, but the original land terrain is definitely screwing things up since the level 3 garrison did some terrain modifications.
Same for me- zoned to my garrison where i spend most my time, and i briefly flew outside- when i flew back half the buildings failed to render, the npcs were walking around in blank snow. then client crashed to desktop. When i reloaded, it was fine, but then happened again shortly thereafter. I have screenshots if anyone at Blizzard is left who isnt an AI…
This right here^
At the moment I can’t even get to my garrison. I took a mechanical chicken flight back from helping Gaslowe and flew into world geometry and now as soon as I try to log him in, I’m still in the geometry and instantly disconnect. Something bad has happened at the garrison. At least at the horde garrison.
Same issue here.
Same here, my level 3 Horde Garrison is buried under snow with a bunch floating things (including my portal to Ashran minus the tower under it…)
Having the same issue here as well, Horde and Alliance Garrisons