Dazlis here. Good to see Aftermath people still around What server/faction ya’ll playing?
I am looking to connect with a night elf rogue I raided with back in BC named LQsage. I was a priest that used to raid with him and his guild.
Lord, this has been a while.
Kerias - NE Rogue
Danastara - NE Druid
Was in a few guilds in my time on Garona.
Tutela de Nox Noctis
Eternal Oblivion
Verheinen gnome rogue. I used to run with a druid tank named Wallaby, or Walany. Was in Rage of Alexstrasza.
I played Naota, a night elf hunter on Garona alliance back in the day…
Started out in Kings of the Night and went to Noctum later
What up, dude!? You know I love you and miss you and want you to come play with meeee
Masurao! I’m not sure if you knew me as Sirene or one of my other characters. We used to be pretty close!
I’d love to chat sometime Masurao! A trip down memory lane for sure. Not sure how to get in touch to message.
I’d love to get in touch too! Do you have discord? Add me @DShepard#6395
I was Nukkuuh. Human fury warrior. Tanked for Continuity towards the end of vanilla and through BC. I see a few familiar names on here, don’t be afraid to hit me up in game, playing on Bloodsail.
Carcy - Warrior
Saffire - Warlock
Was in The Blades of Light for a long time. Played with a bunch of Aussies. Eventually joined Team Four for BC.
Greeko, It’s Lil, what realm are you on?
Simos from the continuity guild and DoA, i see trink, marylee, and nukkuhh on here anyone else coming back? Hit me up DwarfnTexas#1212
Hey buddy how you been?
Marylee and Simos I definitely remember you guys. Been a long time. I’m playing on Bloodsail Classic. Ronkerjake#1389
Finally a familiarish name, I was this character in Continuity. My brother Crake was also there as well.
So many people i remember and forgot, i still talk to jendra and grinosh every so often, miss gardin, madmurdock, lover, winky, sabertalon, grevyn, malrook, and so many more I’m forgetting at the moment. We so have top play together again, don’t know which faction, I’ve played horde last time i came back, guess we shall see.
We are currently on Deviate delight under the “Reforged” banner-we started on Grobbulus originally but 7-8k queue times were a deal breaker.
Look for myself, oradin, heavensvoid (basically all the old FiF crew).
Redox - my fav Canadian … hope all is well
Mendosa - Nelf Warrior, purple Ponytail
Guild: Levity
MT for most of my days, hi all… Already seen some familiar names… hey there…
Would be cool say hi again to a few peeps… Dox - you made me laugh a lot. Ayteia the born hustler. And the rest! <3