Garona Alliance Reconnections

Sup fellas.
Seenitdunit, Warsonger, Doobey, and all variations of those names here.
skerem horde is where im headed, mobb/azurath is headed to alliance, don’t remember the server name.

I was in Entropy Dawn for a bit- Averlynn, Rogue :slight_smile:

I wasn’t in Noble Blade, but I’m RL friends with Geddre who was. I’m trying to get that fool to play again!

I remember you Darlock! Not from those guilds though… I can’t come up with the name (Reborn, or Entropy Dawn maybe) whichever one Thabs was leading until he transferred servers. Back in the daaaaay.

Spacemonkey! Do you remember me? We met in Iron Forge and you were my first friend in WoW, haha.

Characters: Jadefalcon (switched to this Shaman for TBC)
Guild: Forged in Fire

Remember a Paladin class leader named Absolution who taught me everything I knew about playing my class. Remember a thunderfury being completed about a month before TBC for our main tank. Remember drinking during an alt night raid one night and being told I wasn’t allowed to raid sober anymore, you guys were great!

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Name: Amorius
Class: Mage
Guild: Bad Mojo (don’t hit me please!)

Stopped raiding just before the release of Ulduar.

I’ve scrolled through everyone’s post so far, I really can’t remember any names…

I figured it was something like that.

I remember when you were forced to name change because someone reported Morsexy. I also remember that Ashkandi incident. lol. I think I first started running into you when AB was new, well before my time in Apex. I was on my priest in those days.

Yeah, it’s great to see all these familiar names.

You’re confusing me (Darlok) with Darlock. I remember the dude. I think he was a warlock.

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Douse here, Big. Hey, Cortezz.

Sormac, Mors, Cosmok - Good to see you all.

Toshira - WLock
Makivante/Priest - Lunaris/Noctum

Let’s see - who else is out there?

Goldie the Pally? Bis, Mirabellis, Speakeasy, Necho, c’mon now :slight_smile:

The sad part is I don’t think I will find any of my guild mates due to them all probably moving to the asia realms. Plus I mostly solo’d on vanilla.


LF Magione from Garona BC period, its ya boi Boomstock

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Was Bandit, night elf rogue… See some names on here I havent seen in ages. I hope life is going well for everyone!

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Seeing all of these names here is bringing back so many memories. My heart is beating so fast.

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Magg, Now Warmagg on stormrage….“got it cuz it breaths fire”

Sweet, see you all there.

Hi Sheevs!! Good to see ya! You were easily the best rogue we had. :slight_smile: I still play with Xiar and Naerizth off and on; we just went to blizzcon last year. What server are you gonna be on? I think we’re leaning towards Pagle.

Manimals NE druid Council of the Dedicated thought it would be fun to type that in. been considering playing

Human Warlock Felynna, I know I was part of a couple guilds at one point but don’t recall the names of any. Also had a NE Priest named Sarinna or Sarianna(SP?) who I think was part of the Silverwind Sentinels