You SOB! I lost your email! Write me! larkfellon at g mail!!!
Sure am brother! Me (Bandit), Enforcer, Augi, Sealpup, Cortez is somewhere around here as well, and whoever else is hiding around. We are all on Atiesh on Classic at the moment. Crazy seeing you, hope all is well!
Hi Short!
Alcina from Die Screaming. I used to run the public Molten Core raids. I really miss the community from back in the day, even with all the drama. There was always something going on, someone to talk to, someone to experience the game with.
Whats the ashkandi incident, I remember something happening but I don’t know if it was me. It is crazy how long ago all that was.
I was the human priest Aedriann. I leveled up with you but we went our separate ways at 60. I was a dumb kid and never got involved with any raiding guilds. I just loved running 5mans for fun. Yours is the only name in here I can remember.
Does anyone remember the Nelf priest Faeria in The Empire? She was like a mentor to me.
Same here, I was his arena partner back in the day under “Pwn” NE rogue
The old Fear and Loathing core went fairbanks horde side
Ironsage human mage checking in good to see old guildies
Retri pally Shahram of Garona here. Enjoying classic wow.
FINALLY I have a classic character high enough I can post here.
I played a human mage named Pizza, briefly in Alliance of Exile and also my joke guild With Everything on It.
I replied bc I found a screenshot of us (myself, Hqqker, and someone named Nesuir) that I wanted to post but can’t apparently :\
Played as Klefty (Night ELf Hunter) in Reborn, also PVP as Sherpasherpa (Dwarf Priest). Would do the “Pupppieees”. And yes, Lurne and Furne were brothers in the guild! And Thabs was the leader and did tank everything!
Hi, I’m keiley - Sillyhood, GW in BC+
Hillbillysmitty Nelf hunter
Played since lauch
so many alts
I played with Crake back in the day. He was the only reason I read Oryx and Crake.
Hey do you remember a human warlock named Malthusian?
Malthusian human warlock here. Guild Aftermath and then Entropy Dawn
Firemansam in BC
I was looking for the name Tigerclaw! He was my warlock buddy and I swear he and I were the first ones to find out incinerate lock was viable in bc. Can you ask him if he remembers Malthusian?