I damn sure do! What’s up man! That might have been , but I swear there was another guild I was in before that one. The guild leader was a human warrior named Thabs and was the main tank for everything. Or maybe that was Reborn. It’s been so long lol
I thought I was your bestest rogue buddy.
Changed character so you can see me. Caged is an alt.
God look at what the cat dragged in-how have you been scrub?
I also remember a Lurne/Furne in the raid group, too. The guy would always breath “Puppieeeeeees!” into his mic whenever we pulled Core Hounds. Marylee posted further up the thread, if you knew her. What realm are you planning on? I’ve got name reserved on Atiesh, but not sure how much I’ll actually be playing. Job and a family, these days…
Its been forever since I’ve been on Garona! Healinguy - Dwarf priest jumped around a bit was in FiF for a while.
I’m desperately trying to resist the urge to try Classic haha. As much fun as I had back then, I just don’t think it’ll be the same. If I give in, it’ll probably be to play with the group I’m with now on Herod Horde.
I remember Lurne and Furne too! Wasn’t there also a hunter named Felo? Those MC runs were so chill. Still the best raiding experience I remember save maybe ICC
You know why I’m here.
Haha, nice to see you again bro <3.
Got removed but I saw it. Sunwell 4lyf
Big kisses.
Wiso! I remember you! I might have to tell Kreplic that he wasn’t a name that came to your mind. He was my roommate back then, and we keep failing to have a college reunion. Just discovered all this today while hyping myself up for some nostalgia. Haven’t played since BC, and I never really played Phasmata since Vanilla (just remade her today so I could post.) Guild was Kings of the Night back in the day. Fond memories of giving Marrod/Moirne a hard time in the 40-mans and leading ZG raids.
For all you past Apex/Lunaris guys, even though I haven’t seen him in years, I do have RL connections to Mactovera, too.
I was member of Kings of the Night. Name was Thorbin, I was a dwarf warrior and my cousin used to play a NE Rogue named Curr. Anyone remember us?
I want to say…yes? I was so active with the guild and especially with the rogues, but Pico was the only rogue name I could remember off the top of my head after all these years. Wiso’s post has more coming back to me.
So far I can think of:
Moirne, Marrod, Wiso, Picotazo, Ronkuby, Bjorn_____, Cuttout (or something like that; I remember a rogue that we called Cutty that was kind of annoying to me at the time), Kreplic… Ammune! (just remembered him as I was writing; he was a fun guy), Saber____
I player a Dwarf Hunter GauntsGhost. I was in a guild with a bunch off people from asia and dont remember the guilds name.
Kemizon! Its Thrax! I hope you are well man!
NE Druid
Specturm Blade and Sun Clan
Heirophant or Hierophant, you out there? This is the paladin that used to make you sing Eminem songs before I would rez you. Don’t feel bad though, I did it to everyone. The shame corrected mistakes! weeeee
Masurao here, NE Warrior. Haven’t been in touch with anybody at all since I left from drama around BC launch… tried to get in touch with Moonblight and a few others but have been unsuccessful. Not sure if I’ll actually be playing classic but would love to chat with anybody who’s around and sees this!
Darkslide NE Warrior. Was a terrible 12 year old at the time.