Garbage in weekly vault. Again. This game is a punishing hellhole

I’ve never even opened the vault. Game is fun if you aren’t focused solely on the rewards like some mobile slot machine game.

every source of 226 gear is gated in some fashion.

Raiding with boss lockouts and vault

Mythic+ with vault.

PvP with time gated conquest and vault.

There is probably a decent argument that valor should go to 226 for maybe 18s timed or some other number (i admit to picking arbitrarily) since it is gated.

And of the 3 paths, mythic+ is by far the easiest and most accessible one to 226 items. That is offset by it being more prone to RNG and no catchup system to 226 (which if valor went to 226 would mitigate some).

Melodramatic or not your post is pure nonsense. I still have yet to have a SINGLE upgrade drop for me from the raid. Not one this entire tier.

You had me at…

[This game is a punishing hellhole]

If wishing made it so. :wink:

But I did enjoy his claim about being in project management and how he is paid to teach others the profession. Out of all the wild claims that have been posted here by arm chair developers, that was different.

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Just imagine the emails if he was your PM lol


I got a weapon!

Not a great weapon but an upgrade nonetheless. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I counted 4 hellholes from OP.

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While I don’t disagree with your post, this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. You aren’t special. Stop thinking you are.


Got some 226 weapon upgrades this week gg whiner hehe

Oooh… what alt will Preheat post on next week now that “Independeant” is quitting.

Standard Preheat process:

  1. Whine about something in a long, drawn out, post.
  2. Complain how everyone is bullying him when they are disagreeing or giving feedback to his concerns. Most people don’t take him seriously because he is a well known troll.
  3. Create a new thread asking about what class he should play instead / what he should play as a “genuine new player”
  4. Create a new thread stating how various skills / classes / covenants are crap and make whatever class he is talking about that week useless.
  5. Create drunken rant thread where he states how much he hates the game and is quitting
  6. Take 2 day break
  7. Create new alt and repeat
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For 10x M+ runs, you get 3x the loot choice of BFA, but it’s 9x as much effort!

GV is more choice, but it’s a lot more work. Is that an improvement? It’s all the more soul crushing when it fails. I’ve pulled some good things out of it, but I’ve had some silly weeks too like getting 3x bracers, none of which were an upgrade. Or 3x items that have my 2 worst stats.

Not sure what you can do about it, other than removing it in favor of a gear vendor, with currency obtained through M+ runs. Personally I never feel too bad if there’s at least some clear path to the reward, no matter how grindy. At least you don’t feel like it was a complete waste when for example, the bow fails to drop from your 25th SoA run.

Got it. Vendor all my gear before clicking on GV today, then restore it after. That’s what you are saying right?



Oh lordy. Don’t start something… dat vault grass is so dry! :laughing:

Three 226 items. Offhand I already had. Boots, which were low haste/high crit when I already have 226 high haste/low crit… And gloves which were just worse. Welp, stygia we go.

I’ve been having the same issues, this week I got into resto spec before opening the vault and got good tanking shoulders. What a horrible design the vault is.

Yay, another week where I had the choice between two rings I already had or pants I already had.

There is no such thing as tanking, healing, or dps shoulders.

They all have the same options of secondary stats and usable by all specs.

How each specs toolkit works, and the fore the relative value of each secondary stat is different.

Ok, for weeks what I got for my Druid tank was garbage but this week I opened the vault as resto and got shoulders that were better for my tank. Is that better for you?

There’s no work involved, I do M+ for fun. Its a computer game.