Garbage in weekly vault. Again. This game is a punishing hellhole

This is a game first and foremost not a damed job.

This “game” is a freaking hellhole. The community, the loot, the imbalanced classes, the pvp, the toxic cesspool of a “raid scene”. And even your darlings “world first raiders” are toxic as sin on their streams and in game. Yes I’ve unfortunately dealt with enough of them.

Toxic. Poisonous. Venomous inside and out.

This place is a hellhole. A complete and utter HELLHOLE.

I’m going to play something that actually goddam rewards my time.

Not sorry. I’m saying it and I am sick of developers of this game coming on these forums acting like it’s okay.

Anyone saying otherwise literally has put on the blinders and is being intentionally obtuse. I shouldn’t have multiple selections of rings weeks in a row from the only reliable source of loot (and a stingy one at that!!!) in the entire game.

This loot system is broken. I now got rings like 4 weeks in a row and offhands. This has to be the worst thought out most terrible and intentionally rigged loot system (imho) I’ve ever seen in a game that isn’t on a private server.

This game in it’s current state needs a RADICAL overhaul. Not a little one. Not a few nudges here and there. A radical overhaul.

I’m done.

Have fun with this subpar game until August or whenever they are delaying 9.1 to from sheer incompetence.

Here is a REVOLUTIONARY idea:

Free advice from someone who actually has project managment experience and has been brought in to consult and teach professionals on the subject.

This one will be free. Usually costs much more for actual advice from me:

Stop making new hellhole systems when you barely were able to balance and manage azerite traits and other hellhole systems from last expac.

Make one thing work and make it work well.

This is obviously too much work. The current hellhole state of this game I attribute to no focus and wishy washy things thrown here and there. And don’t bother trying to say that isn’t the case-- anyone with even a hint of professional project management experience can see it clear as goddam day.

“You don’t know anything about game development”

-Looks at shadowlands


Anyone with even a sliver of project management experience would tell you to get one thing right before scrapping an entire legacy system to make a newer even more busted new system.

This place is a complete hellhole.


5th week in a row my bear took stygia. Zero versa choices.


If you don’t play then you don’t have to worry about the vault which makes Tuesdays a lot more enjoyable.


233 Hymnal ez


Good Lord Evix/Preheat.


Vault is fine. Maybe open more than one slot? Maybe understand the vault isn’t supposed to be the primary gearing apparatus but a supplementary?

But for the love of Chris Metzen, your melodramatic threads are getting old.


Agreed, on Week 5 it was like “Oh, a nice 226 item from Vault !”. Now you need a chest piece, and see yourself in front of the Great Cassino, where you bet a week life time for a chance to gain useless/repeated items or some stygia.



Who on EARTH actually believes this is true?

The raiders who get no loot drops for weeks on end? They’re not happy.

The subpar M+ loot?



You get gear from PvP/Raid/M+

On Tuesdays, you get something extra.

Funny how someone always gets gear in the raids we do. Someone always gets loot in the raids we do.


Stop being so freaking melodramatic in every thread, Preheat.


If I had a nickel for every Preheat post about how he is quitting the game that I’ve read in the past two months, it would pay my subscription for a year.


Being upset and pointing out flaws is not melodramatic.

And you get incredibly vastly inferior gear from those sources outside of weekly vault.

M+ caps at 210 at +15 keys. Not something casuals do.

Raid IS stingy as sin, I’ve heard literal world first raiders say it including Method’s Leader who is now posting YOUTUBE CONTENT saying it. That maximum dude with the beard.

PvP is infested with overgeared players, paid carries and it’s not feasible to break into 1,400 (which is needed for basic 207 item level upgrade. Not even 213!

So no I completely am steeled in my resolve that the vault is the way to gear. It’s not supplementary when the rest of the options are so bad.


You can tell the serious posts when they are on level 10 alts…


I’ve worked in games for 10+ years. Why is it that terrible advice is always preceded by a rant that anticipates some one with a brain calling it such? Is it because you have enough sense to know that you are wrong, but wanted to appeal to your own authority anyway? I dont get it.


Strawman argument, that doesn’t even come close to addressing the points of the argument.

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The problem is if you are not a mythic raider the vault is the primary loot option. There is no place else you can get 226 loot.
Why are so many people not even pushing keys above 14? There is no reward unless you want KSM.


Search out the WoW kid on YouTube. You’re welcome heh. The video is 11 years old but it’s still the gold standard. I always think of the video when I see these posts on the forum.

Oh look another one of these posts.

I got my BIS helm today.


Please actually go? You make these same threads week after week, Hell it’s practically day after day. You’re clearly unhappy with the game, or you’re just really pushing hardcore for the trolling angle, but either way you need to move on. This isn’t good for you.


Terrible advice like focusing on making basic core systems refined over the course of years rather than throwing them into the dumpster every 2 years and then releasing them in a broken state for the first year of a 2 year long expac?

I didn’t realize focusing on strengths and refining things that worked well is apparently terrible advice.

Here let me tell senior devs at google to throw the search engine into the dumpster every 2 years. I might not get laughed out of my job.


You can’t receive 226 loot from M+, neither with this Valor point system.
Almost all pvp gear gives versatility, worse stats for some classes.

Great Vault obviously was supposed to be the main gear font, otherwise it wouldn’t gives you M+ items with an ilvl impossible to find in any other way.


You filling out all your slots?

In BFA, we only had one lol… 9 separate chances seems good to me.