Garbage in weekly vault. Again. This game is a punishing hellhole

Why do people take bait even when they know the OP is an alt toon of preheat

Uh yeah there are. You want vers for tanking sets. You generally dont want it for other pve sets.

I suppose its like that uncle at family gatherings that does nothing but rant about politics or whatever. Eventually you get tired of ignoring it but, theres nothing really of value to say either.

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How about you play the game, as a game and the weekly chest is a bonus!

Imagine that Preheat. Imagine that.

Well, you obviously haven’t become self aware yet.

No you don’t, level 35 mage.

need badluck protection in the badluck protection.

give a mulligan per week - where you can reroll the whole vault once or twice :wink:

All of your posts are identical in the way you type them out. You can’t hide.

Didn’t you quit day(s) ago?

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Preheat this you on an alt? :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Vers is many other specs best stat too.

It’s not unique to tanks wanting it.

It isn’t a “tank” stat.

Ahhh… one of those people who think anyone who disagrees with them is a blizzard employee.

Maybe it’s just me, but that kinda invalidates everything that is said.

See ya tomorrow.

I got a 226 main hand, I’m a happy camper!

Yes once again another awesome magic trick to sell record amount, to make their billions, as they knew xpac was garbage and subs would fall so they had to make it look like best xpac ever to prop up their sales after release.

My vault wasn’t bad.

Are you sure it’s not your fault? First of all, show me your main toon where you got garbage weekly vault. I am ready to scrutinize what happened.

If you only have one option per week. Getting a ring and offhand for 4 consecutive weeks is a possibility. But if you put more work, getting like 3 options per week at higher key than previous week, would give you different results on 4 weeks.

On me, ever since I started Mythic+/Weekly Vault, I have GUARANTEED UPGRADES every week including this week. Becoz I step up on M+ every 2 weeks. This week I had 3 options… from my first ever 10x M+ runs in a week. My vault options are: ilevel 220 Chest, ilevel 220 Belt and ilevel 223 Necklace. These items are the same as what I am wearing but it has higher ilevel. I have ilevel 216 Chest and my vault option is ilevel 220. I have ilevel 220 Belt and my vault option is exactly the same. But I have ilevel 213 Neck and my Vault option is the same Neck but ilevel 223… 10 ilevels above mine. So I picked the Neck.

You are the one controlling your Weekly Vault. If it’s garbage, it’s becoz you didnt step up: to go higher keys and do more M+ runs.

You did your vault = Garbage. Me doing my Vault = GUARANTEED UPGRADE EVERY WEEK.

I was M+10/M+11 previous week. I was M+8/+9 the other week. This week, I would do +11s and +12s with more on +11s. Next week, I would do more +12s then 1x +13. This planning I am doing would guarantee me an upgrade on weekly vault every week. I would hit a jackpot if it drops a Range Weapon as my sucky Range weapon is just ilevel 200. I am trying it to drop on 3x Dungeons that drop Range weapons. If it drops, that’s ilevel 203 and my Valor would carry it right away to ilevel 213. If it drops from Weekly Vault, that would be jackpot from ilevel 200 to ilevel 220/223. Cross my fingers. Are you doing the same planning like mine? Or you are just blaming the system for not inviting you to higher keys?


I got my BIS helm today.

Grats! I got my BIS Shield today. My only complaint is that I just “wasted” 750 valor on Sunday upgrading the same shield to 220. But it was, by far, the best option in my vault.