Garbage in weekly vault. Again. This game is a punishing hellhole

So you call named yourself a variant of independent, yet you are incapable of making your own decisions and doing something you would actually enjoy… got it.

Well he plays on evix

What you said just now was beyond idiotic, just FYI.

Im in same boat where I only play cus of ppl I like. But somehow I’m incapable of making decisions?

A system that gives you three pieces of gear a week is not meant to be your main source of gear.

This happened because it’s the only source of high end gear unless players take the step into 15+ keys/Mythic rating/high end PvP.

The problem isn’t the vault, it’s that most of the playerbase has reached it’s realistic gear cap, with the vault as the only remaining source of progression, which is a byproduct of the initial Shadowlands patch going on for too long, which is a byproduct of the global pandemic.

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Anyway, I do disagree with you. I think the problem is not that they threw things away and had scoping issues with the new systems, I think they settled for ‘good nuff is’ and gave things a new coat of paint and crappy RP to handwave the fact that these systems and concepts are watered down versions of previously existing mechanics. The problem is exactly that they didn’t actually sacrifice enough sacred cows to make something truly interesting.

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Proceeds on for another 5 paragraphs.

I just think they sub to troll the fourms

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I think you’re right.

For a long time it was. Before valor points you couldn’t have items with higher ilvl than 210 in M+, you would win really few items 226 on Mythic Raids, since everyone received bounded items due to low ilvl. PvP has conquest cap, you couldn’t buy more than 1 PvP piece per week.

Meanwhile Vaults were there, guaranteed item, 3 choices of end-game gear for who just did some end-game content. Vaults made possible equip characters and progress through raids, or mitigate the PvP conquest cap.

DPS who got a 226 Cube and a 226 Weapon on first weeks just got the advantage in every possible content. How can it be supplementar ?
You can just drop a BiS that will be irreplaceable, on the first weeks and based on luck.

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You could have Blizzard give them a plus 1 per week for i level on a junk peace of gear and the Blizz fanboys would praise it. It is what it is.

If you play main only, this is not a hellhole. But if you bring alts into Shadowlands… then it’s a black hell hole

You have an unhealthy addiction to this game. It’s not really any of my business, but I think you honestly need to unsub for your own benefit.

No, I am being Facetious…

Mandatory git gud

I’d say there’s a ton more people depending on m+ loot, then do mythic raid or 2100+ pvp

Hey I got mine*, so anyone can get awesome gear!

  • In 2020 Finally

He got tired of no one listening to him ramble on about FF, saw how WoW streamers like to complain and complain about WoW, and ended up deciding that sitting around complaining is the best bet for attention.

Why on Earth would he give that up?

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My character benefited greatly from the Vault. I love the Vault. My guild needs to overgear content if we are to ever get it done before the next raid. I’m good to go for Heroic sitting at 217, over half the gear from that vault.

But I do work on seeding it. Never open up a vault with less than 2 choices. It does help that I need (want) two sets, and that now that I’m at the level I am, I don’t really expect to get anything from the Vault now; and I can use the stygia. 7 conduits left to upgrade, and all three of the conduits I use still at 200. >.< Ugh.

Just a heads up… it has been shown that CLIENT data is passed back on the call to generate your weekly gear… which means… at the time your gear is “generated” in the vault, the game is likely scanning your bags.

Why is this important? It means that its not just RNG. It means that its RNG with full knowledge at time of execution and generation of the gear. It means that my opinion of Ion somehow has gotten even worse.


Gear is super easy to get if you’re willing to do real content.