Garbage Collection - Community Council Posts

Thoughts on feedback collection overall, from the discussion on Thoughts on Remix Overall, with 73 Days to Go:

This seems like such an awkward way to collect feedback.

Posts are a block of 5-6 bullets, where 3-4 bullets are solidly on pulse but 1-2 are absolutely ingratiating opinions about how things “should” or “might” work, invalidating the good most posts offer.

I can hit “Like” on so few of these because of how the feedback is structured, I can’t help but feel this way of collecting feedback is good for confirmation bias and that’s about it.

Is this an insane view?

My thought on remix: Why did you raise it to 2 million per stat but nerfed peoples farms and punished them? The whole point is to farm anyway.

I find that incredibly odd logic if you can call it that

But honestly it’s over in two months so idk what the point of the feedback even is. It’s a roguelite version of WoW in MoP you get powers, smash through content, and buy things. I mean it’s working as intended right? What kind of feedback could I give? I want the creatures to come in pastel?


My thought has always been that you shouldn’t have to submit an application to have your feedback taken seriously.


I guess cause they don’t want to deal with the other customers who have not so nice feedback. I guess it can get demoralizing dealing with negative feedback, but welcome to customer service?

I’ve been there I did it for years.

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If you own a company, you have to deal with negative feedback. It’s the nature of the beast and unavoidable.


There’s nothing insane with disagreeing with other people. But I find it funny in a way that when the cc is used for feedback it’s criticized and when it seems like nothing is done with the cc it is also criticized.


Yeah, but who are you going to listen to?

Person 1: We are finding an issue with X. What is happening is Y. A suggestion could be to do z.

Person 2: RAGGGGGEEEE!!! Blizz sucks. This game is broken and never fixes anything! Also my class is broken! Fix it!

Most forum posts are person 2 types. They need person 1 types.

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That’s lack of moderation.

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because not only the “chosen few” should have their voices heard.

because that means blizz just isn’t listening at all which is also bad.


Its not like the forums are ignored, I have been using the forums before the cc and it still gets some answers from blue, same as currently the beta forums which will get most of their attention. I think its fair to see the cc as the chosen few but basicly we get access to a forum section where constructive posts wont get as easily buried because theyre not controversial enough.

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Maybe I’m just cynical, but the CC seems more like a PR stunt than anything else. I doubt Blizz takes their feedback any more seriously than others.


I kinda get the same feeling. It’s a PR thing that gives the [players the false sense of having some say and representation, but we all know Blizz does whatever they want anyway. They used to speak directly with the players, even Q&As, then they quit doing that, and created this CC stuff.


I’m person type 3:

oh look a squirrel. It needs love!

/Checks achievement. Then proceeds to save turtles because turtles need saving

So, I’m even lower on the interest scale. But whatevs

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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then what’s the point of the CC?

ok. So just make a feedback section on the forums, hire some moderators, and let people post their feedback.

right now the CC reads as an excuse to not engage with the wider community while giving token “this is a good idea!” responses to CC posts they likely already planned to do.

To be fair it’s good they did the cc and it’s good they’re trying to reach out more to the community.

The CC is invaluable

We found from one of their interviews with ion how old raid and power through expansions works

Also we found out that they were gonna finally nerf bfa

I’m happy there is a CC, but it seems a good amount are players that either lurk or have never posted/read forums much and at the end of the cycle have exactly 3 posts

I think some of us regulars should graduate to the gold.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Then apply

I view the community council the same way I do my representatives in Congress. I won’t always agree with their comments, but I’m glad there’s an organized method to collect that feedback in a way that doesn’t devolve into anarchy (as quickly as the alternative). :laughing:

We can scream “just moderate more” forever, but that requires hiring more people to work around the clock and on weekends during an era when the video game industry is cutting back with lots of layoffs. It’s not a realistic solution. If it were the only solution, they would just shut down the forums and remove this feedback platform entirely.

The community council is a good addition. It’s not perfect. But it’s good.

The point is feedback can only be looked at in aggregate (and I say “looked at” loosely).

Your post was fine albeit vague and I could fully agree with what you wrote. But your peers have upwards of 10-12 bullets trying to weigh out pros and cons. Me, as a person trying to read that feedback and understand what the general consensus is, can only look at the vibe in aggregate. People note things about wanting retail features (e.g., a cap of 30% haste) in an otherwise well written “remix mode” post–people call it a “cosmetic mode” then get mad at power disparity. It’s just so dramatically varied that the only thing I can realistically do is pick and choose my own thoughts from it rather than the thoughts of the community overall.

That is, some cc opinions may accurately capture the pulse while others may not, and it’s left up to the preconceived bias of the reviewers to create “what matters” anyway. The community can’t “upvote” a post that has some good and some bad, because there’s no promise the right message within it is received. It’s just an overall poor mechanism for feedback collection.