Garbage Collection - Community Council Posts

Right? As a purely speculative example:

If Remix gets ruined because Council treats it like progression content in Retail, then there goes the mode, buried and dead.

But those who actually spent a lot of time treating it like the mode it’s supposed to be may not have a voice. And there goes their feedback. Out the window. Ignored.


I have each time. I think they want highly competitive players. Leaders of their teams. Content creators. World firsts. Paragons of each facet of the game.

They don’t want a LFR tourist who knows more about the window sills of Gilneas than how well I can soak and burn Heroic Gnarlroot during intermission.

Nevertheless, I read their posts. They have extremely detailed and well thought out explanations.

And Blizz has lots of avenues for feedback. Not all from us. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism and I don’t blame them for the silence.

Have you seen a blue post. Suddenly, it’s madness. And the posters go all This is Sparta!

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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They have literally accepted pet battle players before as their main content

Eh, I just think the CC forums could use a downvote button so the community as a greater whole can voice their own opinions more visibly. Obviously they’d need to limit downvotes to one per account, so it isn’t abused.


I dunno then :person_shrugging:

My knowledge of the game is more or less as a participant in social interaction, but I am honest. I’m not looking for arguments.

I look past the minutiae of details. As a former world builder, it’s still an utterly impressive game and I find myself at odds with everyone saying no content, not challenging enough or whatever

I resonated with the blue dragonflight quest in DF for example. That is my kind of content. And I tell them these are the things I enjoy.

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

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It is. The way a smart company collects feedback is by looking at server activity itself to collect stats to see what people are actually doing in the game, what they are buying, where they are going, etc.

The worst way to collect feedback is to look at what people are saying in internet forums which tends to be extremely biased.


My thought is that the equipment scaling complaints fall flat given it doesn’t take that long to get out of the 70 power-hole now that you get a chunk of bronze just for levelling and there is really no content that requires turbo gear.

Even most mythic fights aren’t that bad, if you’re not expecting to zug zug through mechanics.

Well, that’s exactly what the Community Council is for…


Gotta disagree.

Here’s how it actually works:

How about no? It is up to Blizzard to proactively fix things when they realize they are impacting the ability of their paying customers to enjoy the use of their product, not wait until some quota of treatises and metasolutions has been published. If a lot of players are expressing outrage over something that is clearly broken, it is Blizzards obligation to come up with a workable solution, not the players.

This should be a red flag condition, not a justification for coming up with excuses why players are wrong for wanting the game to work.

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PR damage control after certain incidents came to light.

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I just do not understand why Blizzard refuses to actually communicate changes and game philosophy. They STILL have yet to tell us exactly how they think Remix should be played, and everything they DID say either turned out to be a lie or was changed.

Look at Bungie and their TWIDs/TWABs. They will type out exactly what they are changing, and why they are changing it. Blizzard will make a change and have a small blurb trying to explain it, whereas Bungie will make an entire paragraph on the change, why they made it, and what they hope to accomplish with it.


They double and triple down by instinct… I can speculate why but recall AP. It was a system that had a lot of hype about it before it launched then wore out its welcome very quickly.

Instead of changing course with the idea of " People should grind forever at max level for power" They kept doubling down making expansions actively worse until shadowlands threatened them with damage they couldn’t recover from.

The problem with blizzard development is they develop around an idea and are extremely slow to abandon it if the idea is awful.

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I’m not sure why devs don’t just post a question like that on both the CC forums and GD. You’ll get hundreds of responses and the feedback will be healthier. It’s kind of like Rotten Tomatoes, if you only read the Tomatometer reviews, or if you only read Audiance Scores, you’ll get a portion of the feedback that you need. But, when you read both arguments for or against a movie, you get to see a clearer healthier picture.

Anyways, my thoughts on Remix? This is going to be a long post. :slight_smile:

It’s a success, but it showcases in great detail issues that manifest in Retail, every single season. The issues with power creep, the issues with pacing, the issues with the go-go mentality and the farming. They aren’t just issues with player mindsets, they’re issues with how gear is designed and how powerful the player character eventually becomes.

In Remix, if you’re a newer player and queue for LFR, Dungeon or Scenarios, your entire time will probably be spent running from dead mob to dead mob, looting and not being able to contribute, because everything is one shotted. It’s a very boring experience.

Maybe WoW needs a sort of hidden ELO system, that helps group players that are new to specific content or are poorly geared together. This would ensure that any player grouping through LFG would have a more structured or healthier play experience. Or, that might kill dungeon timers and do absolutely nothing, so who knows.

Remix has a lot of strengths as well, and a big part of the success of Remix is the farmability of items, which in real time gives you a visceral feel-good interaction with the game. Any mob can have something valuable, which means every mob has value. And, theoretically, killing mobs grants access to at least two or three power-growth foundations, being level increase, stat acquisition and gear/upgrardes. Retail by comparison doesn’t really have anything like this, at least not nearly to the same effect. In retail when you hit max level, besides gear acquisition, your journey is fundamentally over. In Remix, it just goes on and on and on, and the reward structure doesn’t really diminish over time, you just get stronger.

That’s about it I guess. Though if I had a criticism about the item and stat farming it’s that there needed to be another layer to it. This would unlock some sort of tertiary level of power, and that power acquisition would be more time consuming, but also allow for longer term engagement through a consistent & metered reward system. This could be done in any number of ways, such as reaching milestones with the cloak and new talents, abilities or passives being unlocked. I guess armor upgrades somewhat fill that niche, but, it’s not as enjoyable as the other reward structures, even if it might be the most important, and grinding bronze eventually feels exactly like a grind.

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Remix is an experiment. They probably don’t have a specific way it’s suppose to be played. They are just putting it out there to see what people do, what is popular, then that gives them an idea of what to try next.

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I agree that there’s something that can be done. One of the treatments I thought would be fun is exponentially decaying character power growth. Here’s a longer link about it:

(It’s worth noting here though that secondaries all have hard caps in the 25k-40k range, so the only thing that really ends up scaling is primary stat, which means after a point, only 12% of thread drops matter.)

Not trying to stump or anything for it, just share ideas. But if players knew they could get 25 runs worth of content by “turning off” God Mode, they would likely do it after their daily chores are done. I think it’s worth remembering though one of the spirits of remix is a Diablo 3 Paragon Season where you have the chance to just blast through maps and grow as big as you can within the time limits.

And as far as ELO or whatnot, here is a really old suggestion (Shadowlands) that had some functionality for priority queues based on how well received you’ve been among community members. Instead of FIFO, it would run down the priority stack on positive reinforcement:

If you’re a good person to play with, and new players rank you positively, there’s no reason to exclude you from the new player experience. Having guides and experienced players helping “show the ropes” and showcase what’s capable is better than a mode full of smurfs and twinks (my opinion).

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the entire point of remix is to get super strong and blast things. why in the world would people handicap themselves?

I legit just don’t think people would use this system.

Yes, and I said as much in the post:

And address the “people wouldn’t use it” in the same paragraph:

Not everyone would, but the intention is for people to go and experience an “early phase” design, even if they roll in late phase. It’s not technically for someone who played on day one and already experienced that, unless they want to continue growing.

Now in Remix, with capped secondaries, I have no real reason to farm more threads because only 1 in 8 matter. But if I recieved 25 threads at a time, statistics tips in my favor that at least one is primary stat and useful, even if it meant I had to follow the Pandaren advice to “Slow down…”

Only doing remix for some mogs, then back to retail and D4.