"Gaming" Personality test

Hmmm… Slayer/Architect.

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Slayer, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Architect.

Slayers want to be the heroic protagonists in a cinematic story. They are solo gamers who enjoy highly curated narratives and slower-paced gameplay. They see games as highly interactive action movies to be experienced.

Architects are solo gamers that enjoy planning, decision-making, and progression. They prefer slow-paced, relaxing gameplay where they can plan and build something grand and enduring.

Like many other personality tests: fairly accurate within the limits of the inputs.

Edit: Personality Traits: Calm, Gregarious, and Immersed

Went and read the game recommendations and not a single game on it that I’ve enjoyed.

Also wondering how it figures these when I really enjoy playing Tetris above level 30 (crazy fast), Pac-Man after the board reset around level 12 (also stupid fast), and Raiden II on Colonel difficulty.

Gardeners are looking for quiet, relaxing task completion. They enjoy accessible gameplay that focuses on completing levels/quests, collecting stars/trophies, and collecting collectibles.

Your Gamer Motivation Profile :
Calm, Spontaneous, Relaxed, Independent, and Creative

This seems about right for a retired geezer.

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They should have one of these for guild finder, imo.

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That’s my gamer style to a T. I’m a fairly solo person, even in MMOs. If I can solo over getting a group, I tend to solo.

I feel like that question was more “do you like high intensity fighting”

I got bard/bounty hunter with high scores in immersion and creativity. Seems right.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

Oof i’m a boring gamer

Your Quantic Gamer Type :

Acrobats are solo gamers who primarily want to take on challenging gameplay and they want to practice over and over again until they can take on the most difficult missions and bosses in the game.

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Sounds like you should pick up speed running :p. Weird that this type doesn’t require higher achievement drive though.

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I just want to theorycraft the most amazing builds that can be competitive and that guides and meta followers overlooked/werent creative enough to come up with :joy: thats how i approach most games i play

Even in trading card games i go out of my way to make the most obscure and overpowered deck possible

I answered it as if it asked if I enjoyed combat in general. I think it could’ve been worded better instead of focusing on two specific weapon types.

Slayer here, Fantasy + Story + Destruction

I am not much for the “go go go” or fast paced nature of some games, though I do like exploring some of the time, I see this as what is your biggest motivation but it has room for your lesser ones as well.

This might be why I am not a fan of things like raider.io but enjoy M+, I like the challenge of M+ but would prefer a bit less focus on timer/fast pace.

Your Quantic Gamer Type :

Architect / Skirmisher

Gamer Type Mottos:

Architect: “My Empire Begins With This Village.”

Skirmisher: “Jumping Into the Fray of Battle.”

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Architect, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Skirmisher.

Architects are solo gamers that enjoy planning, decision-making, and progression. They prefer slow-paced, relaxing gameplay where they can plan and build something grand and enduring.

Skirmishers want fast-paced team arenas that are accessible and easy to jump into. They are highly spontaneous gamers who dislike games that require thinking and planning.

i guess its accurate enough, it really depends on my mood.

i found this part funny
Destruction (60%): Gamers who score high on this component are agents of chaos and destruction. They love having many tools at their disposal to blow things up and cause relentless mayhem. They enjoy games with lots of guns and explosives. They gravitate towards titles like Call of Duty and Battlefield. And if they accidentally find themselves in games like The Sims, they are the ones who figure out innovative ways to get their Sims killed.

I think the quiz mistakenly took my desire for easy content as the Skirmisher type, which really doesn’t fit me at all.

But it did nail my love of the creative aspects.

Though seeing how I immediately transmog after acquiring a new piece of gear on any of my characters, it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise.

Not hugely competitive, love helping people, and want to have fun exploring classes and characters. The big world in the background just makes it more satisfying.

Yeah, i’m like that too but push it a bit further intertwining story with it. Basically see a character as a full package and try to realize the vision i have for it while trying to maximize my results following that vision.

Which is why systems like covenants or racials are, on paper, really fun for me, or should had been anyway, but are godaweful in practice when you factor in the meta-slave mentality of the vaste majority of the playerbase. Even if sometimes i end up being right. Example, Venthyr for Resto Shaman, got crap for not going Necrolord yet a month later not only Venthyr was the meta for M+, it proved to be competitive everywhere else.

I also like doing what people call “feelycraft”, which is basically build characters base on intuitions rather than hard math, which is the absolute best way to piss off people who only swear by 5 minutes Patchwerk sims (trust me). In short, its simply building a character based on the playstyle feeling, rather than hard maths, another great Shadowlands example was my Hunter, who i quit playing because i absolutely hated at least partly because the “meta” ability for them is an absolute clunker at times and can be ruined by other players. Eventually he became my alt which allowed me to be a lot more free about how i want to build it and found a playstyle that both works and is enjoyable to me.


100% i couldn’t have expressed it better :smiley:

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Bounty Hunter.
Bounty, Demon, it’s all one big hunt for me.

If you need a test to tell you what you like about games then you should stop playing games and do some soul searching… get to know yourself.

I think this is more what kind of games you like, or what kind of player you are. I noticed Slayer is not that common but it is one of the slower paced ones that can fit in with things like covenants but not the meta slave style.

To complete the test you already need to know what you like or what you don’t though.

That’s not the point.

The point is just to image it. Put words on often abstract feelings.

Shouldn’t be that hard to understand for someone who seemingly enjoy activating console commands in chain as long as there’s pretty pictures painted over them.

But what if I learn I’m a terrible person? I mean I suspect I’m terrible but I’d rather not have confirmation.

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