"Gaming" Personality test

Quizzes like this are more to compare who you are as an individual against others. Its interesting to see the differences and similarities

Its nice to have a concrete result from having answered the same questions as everyone than just having people claim whatever they want

Sure answers can be dishonest, but its mainly just in good fun

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I got Bard/Slayer.
I’m not sure how accurate it is though.

Yeah, not sure why people read that much farther into it.

Also a good way to figure out where arguments are coming from.

You two are cute and matching with that avatar :stuck_out_tongue:

Your Quantic Gamer Type :
Player Type Image
Gamer Type Mottos:

Architect: “My Empire Begins With This Village.”

Bard: “Playing a Part in a Grand Story.”

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Architect, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Bard.

Architects are solo gamers that enjoy planning, decision-making, and progression. They prefer slow-paced, relaxing gameplay where they can plan and build something grand and enduring.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Gladiator.

Gladiators are competitive gamers who are more likely to identify as hardcore, and they want games to engage them using a broad spectrum of features. They are looking for an epic, skill-based experience in the games they play.

Your Gamer Motivation Profile :

Persistent and Social

Pretty neat, it even guessed the kind of games I’m most interested in, and I only fed it a few. Maybe I’m just easily predictable.

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So Bards are basically archivists? Like Skalds were for Nordic tribes? Like Livy, Cassius, and Cicero for Rome? I always thought of Bards as a form of rogue with better diplomatic skills. They would tell you to go to mmm, Hades in such a way you looked forward to the trip.

I got Ninja and Architect.

Makes sense to me. I like improving as much as possible and enjoy being competitive but I also enjoy working together with friends.

I also really like strategy and RPG games. If it’s immersive and has a deep learning curve, I’ll likely be very interested in it!

The result told me to stop playing world of warcraft shadowlands and play something better.

Bounty Hunters are solo, action-oriented explorers who want game worlds that they can make their own through customization and discovery. They also enjoy power progression and unleashing mayhem.

Gardeners are looking for quiet, relaxing task completion. They enjoy accessible gameplay that focuses on completing levels/quests, collecting stars/trophies, and collecting collectibles.

Apparantly i enjoy both unleashing mayhem and for quiet experience. Guess that why i’m always confused on what game to play next. ^^’

Huh I feel like its pretty accurate but at the same time i feel like its wrong, so much conflict ion.

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Skirmisher.

Skirmishers want fast-paced team arenas that are accessible and easy to jump into. They are highly spontaneous gamers who dislike games that require thinking and planning.

Gamer Type Motto:

“Jumping Into the Fray of Battle.”

Or in my personal flavor: ODST: Feet first into hell!

Your Gamer Motivation Profile :

Action-Oriented, Analytical, Ambitious, Social, and Creative

Gamer Type Mottos:

Gardener: “Quiet, Relaxing Task Completion.”

Gladiator: “Dedicated, Hardcore Gaming.”

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Gardener, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Gladiator.

Your Gamer Motivation Profile :

Fast-Paced, Spontaneous, Driven, and Creative

How in the world can I be both a “Quiet relaxed” and “Dedicated Hardcore” at the same time wut

This explains why I play so much HotS and Overwatch.

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Skirmisher, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Bard.

Skirmishers want fast-paced team arenas that are accessible and easy to jump into. They are highly spontaneous gamers who dislike games that require thinking and planning.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

Bard / Bounty Hunter

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Bard, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Bounty Hunter.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

Bounty Hunters are solo, action-oriented explorers who want game worlds that they can make their own through customization and discovery. They also enjoy power progression and unleashing mayhem.

Your Gamer Motivation Profile :

Calm, Spontaneous, Relaxed, Independent, Deeply Immersed, and Creative

It says I would like Dragon Age 2. One of my favorite games so hey pretty spot on. ( Anders did nothing wrong )

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Bard, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Slayer.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

Slayers want to be the heroic protagonists in a cinematic story. They are solo gamers who enjoy highly curated narratives and slower-paced gameplay. They see games as highly interactive action movies to be experienced.

Your Gamer Motivation Profile :

Calm, Spontaneous, Relaxed, Gregarious, Story-Focused, and Practical

I’d say this is pretty accurate though it does depends on certain things. Bard without question fits my 25 years of D&d since table top D&d is the best gaming experience I’ve ever had.

Gamer Type Mottos:

Gardener: “Quiet, Relaxing Task Completion.”

Bard: “Playing a Part in a Grand Story.”

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Gardener, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Bard.

Gardeners are looking for quiet, relaxing task completion. They enjoy accessible gameplay that focuses on completing levels/quests, collecting stars/trophies, and collecting collectibles.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

ironically it recommended me a bunch of games i dont like XD. HoTs, Dota 2, MC, HS. WC3 which i mean i would only play for the story and thats it.