"Gaming" Personality test

Mostly right

I don’t like that it asks how much you enjoy certain things though because I really don’t care about much

Blowing things up: If I can cool if I can’t cool
Teaming up with other players: If I can cool if I can’t cool

I picked “Not at all enjoyable” for anything I was indifferent on but I don’t find them “not enjoyable” I just don’t care :laughing:

Yes. That is where that gif/meme comes from.

Yeah, but that line is actually from Family Guy when they did a cross-over episode.

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That’s right on the mark for me! I remember back in Wrath, I was up late with a guildmate one night, and we were exploring far reaches of Azeroth and theorizing different things, like what all the large bones in Tanaris are. It was a lot of fun. lol

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Oh I’m sure it is, just I got Roblox, Minecraft and Sims 4 and I’m surprised Barbie dream makeover wasn’t part of my recommendations.

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Yeah its generic, but it has to be to a certain point. Couple of questions to i was left answering middles because in some context i like it, in others i really don’t care.

Example, i like character customisation a lot, but never gave a damn about stuff like player housing.

I think that’s literally what the middle option is for. You’re on the fence.

I got Bounty Hunter which is pretty spot on for me.

Ninjas seek out difficult challenges that blend strategic decision making, fast-pacing, and competition. They see video games as places to test their skill and wits against other players.

Skirmishers want fast-paced team arenas that are accessible and easy to jump into. They are highly spontaneous gamers who dislike games that require thinking and planning.

at the end of the day, yep, pretty much

Took it again… Guess it’s somewhat accurate. I probably am a mix of both just the thing is, I don’t like guns and explosives, I prefer magic and swords and there’s no option for that.

Wanted to post the link but apparently I can’t include links anymore

Skirmishers want fast-paced team arenas that are accessible and easy to jump into. They are highly spontaneous gamers who dislike games that require thinking and planning.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

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Skirmishers want fast-paced team arenas that are accessible and easy to jump into. They are highly spontaneous gamers who dislike games that require thinking and planning.

Swing and a miss, I point high points on everything that had long term planning and thinking, in fact I rated it as the highest levels of important

Took it. After reading how it grouped certain bits of information together under the same category, I feel like it’s just … not very good. I don’t agree with some of the groupings. Strategy & Challenge making up “Mastery”, for example. I can care about challenge and play to the best of my ability in something like WoW, care about getting the highest parses I can and all that… and still not care about long-term strategy stuff. Because it’s not that kind of game. I don’t like those kinds of games. But they’re averaged out to determine ‘Mastery’ and that’s dumb.

Similarly, ‘Power’ and ‘Completion’ is lumped together. I don’t give a single damn about collections and achievement points and finding every little side quest and such. But I’m almost solely power progression motivated in MMOs. But I’m 22% because I don’t care about the Completionist thing. The 2 are -not- related.

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Your Quantic Gamer Type :

Bounty Hunter

Player Type Image Gamer Type Motto:

“High-Octane, Solo World Exploration.”

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Bounty Hunter.

Bounty Hunters are solo, action-oriented explorers who want game worlds that they can make their own through customization and discovery. They also enjoy power progression and unleashing mayhem.


…pretty much on target for me.

i tried it and i got an error. now every time i try and hit the shift key i can’t stop producing a link.

Yeah i’m in the same boat. It assumes that because i like build planning that i necessarily care about long winded strategy games (Civ for example), when i don’t.

But i guess you can argue that to some extent high parsing does require a degree of long term strategizing.

Again, not fully, but you probably do have to chase some “collectibles” to get the power needed to complete a raid tier. Gear, stuff like Venari’s sockets etc.

Completion can mean different things to different people, for example i used to have nearly every raid and PvP achievements in the game, but never went and kissed critters or did any of the other open world achievements.

Just my interpretation for the logic of these groupings though, as i agree i felt some were conflicting for similar reasons at first glance.

I got gladiator/skirmisher. Which makes sense. Back in my high school days, I was fiercely competitive with friends with everything (but mostly basketball and smash bros). I’ve chilled out a bit since, but still enjoy some Overwatch competitive

Recommendations were Battlefield (which I do like) and World of Warcraft: Battle Chest (I did like Warcraft: Tides of Darkness)

Bounty Hunter while my motivation profile is Spontaneous, Relaxed, and Independent.

Recommended Games: All three Elder Scroll games, Cities: Skyline, Subnautica, Untitled Goose Game, Runescape, Mario game series.

Untitled Goose Game is the best game ever.

Seeing a ton of bounty hunters.

It’s not a very good quiz.

There’s no section for preferring melee combat, just guns and explosives. I’d rather use a sword than a gun. It’d be better to use more generic terms that can encompass a wider variety of weapons and include magic as well.

It gave me bounty hunter/slayer, which makes a certain amount of sense. Some of the category names don’t make much sense compared to their descriptions - slayer is one of those.

Bounty Hunters are solo, action-oriented explorers who want game worlds that they can make their own through customization and discovery. They also enjoy power progression and unleashing mayhem.

Slayers want to be the heroic protagonists in a cinematic story. They are solo gamers who enjoy highly curated narratives and slower-paced gameplay. They see games as highly interactive action movies to be experienced.

Some of the game recommendations were good such as the Elder Scrolls games (both single player and MMO) and Assassin’s Creed, but others were way off such as Tom Clancy’s The Division, Doom, or Borderlands.

Yeah, that’s normal. I’m in the same boat, my competitive streak gradually went from “i wanna be the best” to “what can i do within the scope of my personal parameters”.

It was meant to be a quiz for people playing any kind of games though so yeah, went broad in some areas. Swords are kind of irrelevant outside the scope of Fantasy games, for example. Question is a bit poorly worded and should just ask “do you enjoy using weaponry in the games you play” or something along these lines.