Gamers’ Choice Awards Nomination

He did not ask us to vote. He posted a link in case we ourselves chose too. Get your facts straight before you accuse people of stuff they didn’t do.


RNG is on everything. Wf/TF, secondary stats , bonus rolls. Used to be you could work towards certain pieces of gear . Now its all a roll of the dice if you get what you need and because it doesnt WF or TF, it can be useless . We got RNG on Profession recipes now .

Rep grinds were made bearable because we had the ability to use a tabard, and get rep from killing mobs. Not any more now we have to wait for the same damn WQ to be up over and over and over and over


You are in the very overwhelming minority.

And also you’re completely insane. You literally told everyone here who disagree with you that none of them are true gamers.

Take your absolutism somewhere else.


I see, that’s why I still think Justice/Valor would be very useful to have again. And a way to buy WF/TF with earned currency, along with the ability to reforge (which imo they shouldn’t have gotten rid of.)

Rep grinds I don’t mind as much I guess, but the legion paragon caches are terrible (in my opinion) and infuriating.

Hey, thanks. I’ll be sure to pick something that isn’t WoW. Maybe last year, I would have voted.


I got my facts straight. He did ask us to vote. Meanwhile the azerite armor system is garbage and classes are still bad. No response on any real issues.


Except you didn’t he said and I quote


Dear obtuse over-salted little muffin, just because you are not seeing the changes you personally want right this minute that doesn’t mean the CMs are not doing their job. They pass along the feedback and comments like they’re supposed, but it is not their fault if they have nothing to share right now. They are most likely not even aware of any changes coming until it has been cleared for public posting.

People like you seem to forget that the CMs also play this game. Do you think they are totally ignorant of the problems we’re having? Come on now. Save your ire for someone who deserves it, aye?


I would like this post but my Ability to like it is time gated now and restricted to only a handful per day


People don’t like being proven wrong and showing what actually happens. You have a quote right there, plain and simple. Many are unhappy with the game but man are people stretching with their claims.


“FanFavorite” Is not the same as “best” mmo. Of all the MMO’s I’ve played WoW is still my favorite, so i have no problem voting for it as such.

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Yes I do think Ythisens, bornakk and lore (lore is really bad at communication how is he a CM) are totally ignorant of the problems we’re having. The fact Ythisens even posted this shows it.

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Thank you for actually using your head. I still enjoy this game and I get baffled sometimes by how much some people “hate” this game yet continue to play it.


Actually, reading your previous posts it sounds like you need a timeout. Or a nap. I can’t decide, but either or both of those might do you some good.



Everyone just chill out for a few seconds go do some hard mythic plus 15 or something…

This is not a big issue things will get fixed eventually until then just play until your sub ends and then vote with your wallet and things will get better in future.

If they dont just move on and play other games not too hard to do.

See simple easy to follow advice now go follow it folks.

Have a good evening.


Your annoyed Healer


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Think what you want. But I’m not going out of my way to help a company that fails at a simple task like communication. Fails at addressing the awful azerite system. Fails at class balance since they “didn’t have time”. Yet our blue post in useless fluff threads. They brought this on themselves.


I don’t like F14 and I like WoW. People who make blanket statements about people being part of the problem are part of the problem.


I don’t have time to do that though! Plus, my ilevel isn’t high enough. No time to do anything anymore. I’ll go grind old content though. Keep healing!

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Thanks I do my best to heal Wows HP but it keeps getting lower and lower so many players are attacking it… My Mana is starting to run low …

Not sure how much longer I can keep Wow Alive for.

Other healers join me in keeping wow alive HEAL .

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