Gamers’ Choice Awards Nomination

it’s a give and take in my opinion.

Wow does raiding and dungeons better but that’s it.

FFXIV does crafting, flying, world quests, and keeps it’s old content and the world relevant.

In all honesty Wow is top… but it’s crap piled on more crap… all MMO’s are just stale now.

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Be sure to tune in to CBS, Sunday December 9th, 5-6pm to watch Blizz get trounced in the awards. Here’s hoping Monster Hunter World wins (a game truly worthy of praise).

You can also view it live on twitch at gamerschoice_tv

You act like alliance raids don’t exist that alternate with the normal raids, also like they don’t add 2+ dungeons every patch, and like they don’t add 1-2 trials in every patch as well on top of MSQ and side content like Doman Reclamation, Hildibrand, Squadron updates, etc.

Also Blue Mage is an added fun thing to play with that’s coming in a normal patch for this CURRENT expac, and is meant to be OP and fun for running old content if you want. We’re still getting Gunblade and Dancer pretty much confirmed in ShB, two classes that will be massively more unique than any class in WoW with how pruned and boring every class is now.

As someone who fully plays both, FF is ahead by miles. A thousand times better class design, way more interesting mechanics and encounters, a much better told story, it manages to keep all old content relevant at any point, a strong gearing system that rewards people for accomplishing the hardest content with amazing looking weapons and armor that are completely unique and not half-assed recolors (savage and ultimate difficulty), and plenty of varying side content to do that always gives you something to do that isn’t just transmog runs of old content. Also they don’t timegate every aspect of the game to artificially extend days played on their cash reports.

I’ll take a FF patch with new dungeons, more main scenario story, new trials, new side content and items, and a new alliance raid or pack of normal raids over a WoW patch that adds one raid with maybe 2 memorable bosses at most, and either one meh dungeon or a second meh small raid.


I wonder if the blue actually thought people would come into the thread praising it and ready to vote for WoW? lol


I wouldn’t be surprised. Sometimes it feels like the devs don’t even realize that the design of the game is in a really bad state.


Congratulations! I personally hope you win, opposed to the salt lick of a thread that can be found in the replies. While BFA isn’t the best work your studio has ever produced, WoW is a game that I return to and play weekly and/or daily, and have for a decade now. Having played most of the competitors listed in the category, WoW is by far my favorite. Good Luck!

Hum, players vote wow for gamers choice award, Donald Trump is president, next we’ll hear a race of alien dogs landed in Chicago and demanded we deliver all the hot dogs or they’ll blow up the world. Mind blown :woozy_face:

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Alliance Raids are the equivalent of LFR raid bosses. Don’t tell me that you or your guild sit there and run an Alliance Raid on a weekly basis the same way you would a Heroic or Mythic raid, cause I grantee you that most guilds don’t so raid bosses still sit at 4 per 8 months. Not saying it should not exist, but it is nothing but an eye candy instance you run a few times when it comes out and then you’re done. Trials are about the only the thing PVE related 14 has that’s better than WoW, they are well balanced single boss instance your average pug will struggle but can still take down and the music is always nice. But also Trials become irrelevant when a single new Trial comes out, would be nice if Trials were buffed as well as the gear so you can do them the whole expac since there are only so many.

Blue Mage, personally I would not touch since it seems like a waste of time but there have many people disappointed with the fact that they are only a ‘limited job’. Right now you could say the community is split but would rather BM be a full time job or this limited crap? Be honest. Like I said… if WoW ever did this…

This whole third paragraph is mostly subjective: class design, story, mechanics, encounters, gear/weapon design are all subjective and we can be here for days debating about it. Not really worth it. They don’t artificially extend or time-gate? So I can get everything in 14 the first week ShB comes out? All MMOs do this if not then that MMO would be dead in the first month. It’s just how they do it that’s the issue. Sure WoW is probably crappier than 14s.

How exactly does it keep old content relevant? The games launches with only 3 maybe 4 MAX level dungeons that you grind every week for tomes before the first patch 4-5 months later. By the end of the expac you maybe have as many dungeons as WoW but guess what? Those older MAX level dungeons are far less relevant within each new patch cause of stronger gear. WoW’s M+ system keeps old and new dungeons relevant from day one.

You can have that FF patch that is no different than any other FF14 patch for previous expac for the same time-frame. They have literally used the same patch formula for patches every expansion, at least WoW tries to innovate with it’s expac and sure sometimes it doesn’t always work out as expected hence why we have the crappy Azerite system but are you really looking forward to the same patch cycle all over again in ShB, 4 new raid bosses(are all 4 bosses really memorable? remember you have to have at least 3/4 since WoW according to you only has at BEST 2 memorable bosses per raid), one trial, two dungeons(one being a repeat of an older dead leveling dungeon just now called “HARD MODE”)? You can pretty much predict ShB life cycle before it’s even out if it’s anything like ARR/HW/BS. Aside from dungeons/raids/world bosses, just can’t say for certain what is going to be new/staying/leaving in WoW with a new expac.

I voted for Anarchy Online

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I mean the gear you get from them is still good, if you’re still on farm with your FC, an upgrade from that is still better than just running the normal raids only. It’s ilvl is less than the savage raids, yes. But some of those pieces can also be BiS if you’re min maxing due to the secondary stats sometimes being pretty bad on some of the savage raid pieces depending on your class. So yes, people do those weekly along with the savage for various reasons, plus the raids are added into the Alliance Raid roulette which give Genesis tomestones that give the best ilvl gear before full Savage. So even if you don’t run it long for the gear, it still adds a lot more variety to roulettes as more are added.

Again, trials get put into the trial roulette after they are a tier behind, which means that while you may not farm them anymore, they add more variety to the trial roulette, which again gives Genesis tomestones for current strength gear. Not to mention just running the trials in current expac in general still give Genesis (albeit at a much lower amount) so it still gives progress towards gaining current power gear.

The problem with Blue Mage is how it fundamentally works in the FF series. They could make it a normal class, but then it’d mainly just be a BLM clone with monster themed abilities as they couldn’t actually add the stealing as a mechanic that’d work at all.

So instead of gimping the entire philosophy and design of BLU, they went with the method that would allow them to give the class its full potential and unique mechanics its had from previous games, without requiring to balance it or set it up for current content. BLU fundamentally doesnt work as a traditional MMO class if you are trying to maintain its original concept.

So they pretty much went with the best they could do, which is creating an entire new system from scratch that allows BLU to be what it’s supposed to be, do what its supposed to do, and allows it to do what BLU does best, stealing monster abilities. It does suck its not a main class, but that’s why we’re getting both Gunblade and Dancer going into ShB as a new tank and healer.

It is fairly subjective, but that is my stance on it after playing both of them for weeks of ingame time. Years for both.

There’s a difference between timegating and releasing content. There isn’t an issue of content patches. There’s an issue of “oh you want to grind this rep? do 12 WQ’s a day and then you physically have no other means of rep until tomorrow”. What happened to the days when you could go to Outland and kill ogres for items to turn in for rep? What happened to going to Northrend and killing enemies for Relics of Ulduar to turn in for Sons of Hodir? If you wanted to put in 4, 5, 6, 7 hours of grinding, etc, you could. Now? You spend an hour and a half doing it, and are basically told you cant until tomorrow.

Every MMO releases content slowly, and that’s not what time gating is. Time gating is forcing players to wait in order to complete things that could just be done with effort put in instead.

The dungeons also enter a max level roulette that you run for the current Genesis tomestones, which again gives you the highest ilvl gear outside of Savage. Plus they also give Genesis themselves for just running them (again, at a lower amount). You can get caught up and geared by running roulettes which bring EVERY single group instance in the entire game as something that you can enter, and it gives either good xp for non max level classes, or it gives Genesis and Mendacity tomestones for current level gear on max level classes. So yes, the dungeons stay relevant the entire expac, and even dungeons from ARR and HW are still entirely relevant, as are their raids and trials too for the exact same reasons.

yes, because that means I know what to expect, and in addition to those raids and dungeons, we get side content every time as well that is different each time. ShB is bringing in a Trust system with the main story characters, and it’s reworking some of the general game mechanics like TP.

Yes, they are. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every boss in Deltascape, Sigmascape (except Guardian), and every boss in Alphascape. I love and remember all the bosses in Void Ark, Weeping City, and Dun Scaith. All the bosses in Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower, and World of Darkness. Almost all the bosses in Binding Coil and Alexander. And I’m still really enjoying the Ivalician raids that are still coming, like Ridorana Lighthouse where the third boss wrecked people the first time because it made people do basic math for a mechanic and it was hilarious to run and watch, especially when it asked about prime numbers.

They really are memorable for me, and not just because I’ve ran them a good bit with the roulettes. I genuinely enjoy their mechanics and designs, and have good memories of all of them.

In Uldir, the only bosses I find interesting or memorable are MOTHER and Ghuun. MOTHER due to the different room mechanic being very interesting and unique, and Ghuun for the orbs and because he’s the big bad of that raid.

it’s not a repeat at all actually. If you’d have run one before, you’d know that it has completely different trash mobs, bosses, and mechanics. And most of them are completely different in the dungeon’s design in general. Saint Mocainne’s Arboretum is no where close to the same as Saint Mocainne’s Arboretum (Hard). It’s not like WoW where normal and heroic are pretty much the same except numbers, just about everything between most normal and Hard dungeons in FF are completely different.

I can’t really say thats a good thing. Look what happened when artifacts were introduced and then taken away the next expac. Classes got destroyed fundamentally, and the game is now in the absolute worst state of class design it has ever been in. Introducing new systems and mechanics is a good thing, and both games do it each expac (ShB bringing trust system, new abilities for all classes, 2 new classes with new mechanics, etc. BfA bringing Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Azerite Traits, Heart of Azeroth, etc.), but after what’s happened in BfA, I can not say with good conscience that the new systems have bettered the game, and removing systems has only detrimented the game as of late.

P.S. I’m not trying to be hostile towards you, just want that to be upfront and clear. I love both games, I’m passionate about both of them and want them to succeed, but as someone who has been playing both for years, it’s just how I feel about both of them in their current states.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that Genesis tomestones are also required for the normal raid weapons that are just slightly below Savage ones, so it gives a very large reason to do your roulettes of all of the old content because Genesis is super important. I believe Savage weapons require Genesis as well, but I’m not 100% sure on that so don’t take my word on that part.


Thanks, I made sure I voted for FF14 and not this dung heap.


You know post counts came over to the new forums, right?

While I’m not okay with the current state of WoW and find the negatives to outweigh the positives, I still find it more enjoyable than 14. I have tried to go back to 14 multiple times and found it hard to stay longer than a 4-6 weeks at a time.

I believe innovation and new things a positive thing that keep games fresh, hence why Legion as so well received overall despite it’s flaws, problem is BfA didn’t do enough to evolve existing systems and new systems Azerite/IE/WF feel underdeveloped and while I would not say “classes got destroyed” they definitely got less fun to play(at least the class that I play SP).

I know the Hard Mode dungeon is not an exact replica just harder, just the same in name and aesthetics, probably should have been more specific.

Can’t say I would give up M+ for static difficulty dungeons that become increasing less challenging with each new tier patch.

The bosses are subjective if anything and if you have found every boss in 14 memorable than more power to to you, unfortunately I can’t say the same thing I raided all of ARR and found only 3/12 bosses to be memorable the whole expac, that’s not to say that the other bosses were not fun just not memorable. Every boss in WoW is by no means an epic encounter but most are fun with some tiers having one and under rare circumstances two bosses that are just a bore. But again a matter of opinion.

At some point WoW was much like 14 is now, log in, collect currency, raid, log out. While I do enjoy the idea of currency especially in 8.1 not currency alone would fly today, but who knows.

Didn’t think you were being hostile and hopefully I didn’t come off as hostile myself. Seems like we just have different play styles and expect some different things from the game.

Both games are definitely fun, just preference. I just happen to like WoW’s style better, they just have to step their game up right now is all.

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No, no they didn’t. I had ~3k. They only brought 2 weeks worth of stuff before the new forums were implemented over, so any carry over was only from those last two weeks.

Glad that I didn’t come across as hostile, and you didn’t either, so no worries ^^ I’m just always unsure about posting on here because I always feel like the tensions high with negativity, so I prefer not to just have arguments start over nothing. Sorry if I sounded snarky about the Hard mode dungeons too, hard for me to gauge how much you played and I was a bit rude with that.

And you definitely make valid points with the bosses being subjective. There is bosses I enjoy in WoW since I started back in MoP, just not as much as in FF for me. Like I love Cerberus in World of Darkness, Brute Justice in Alexander, Alexander himself, all of the trials (except Cape Westwind because pretty obvious reasons lol) Like you said, just different styles and expectations since stuff like that is pretty much entirely subjective ^^

I still play WoW (just got Dark Iron unlocked, got pretty annoyed by being forced to wait for days to get it. I got really lucky that I decided to go for it during the anniversary, and right when a WQ event was coming up). I’m leveling a Dark Iron Pally for the heritage armor. Though it’s much harder for me to want to play WoW with it’s current state of class design. There is a few classes I like, but I used to like pretty much all of them (I had a 110 of every single one in Legion). Idk, they’ve just slowed so many classes down, on top of the haste being lower with the secondary stat changes. Makes classes like Ret that doesn’t have a consistant filler attack feel really bad to me.

Guess that’s probably a big reason why I like FF, every class is GCD locked and that’s just something I really like personally. It’s the reason Fury Warrior is my most played right now.

And you like WoW, more power to you ^^ I didn’t post with the intent of changing your mind, more so just giving my opinion in the matter.


^ This. post counts weren’t completely transferred, it was just the remaining couple of weeks before the exchange which were carried over. For most people that resulted in a couple of hundred posts.

Even people like Snowfox started the new forum with less than 1k posts.

I’m probably gonna watch the awards for the sole purpose of seeing wow lose, I hope they do it % based so we can see just how low wow ends up being, maybe it will give them a wake up call, but lets be real after the 8.1 changes… this games a wash, I’m pretty sure they will brush us all off as “negative forum trolls”, and how there is a still a “positive community of players not showing themselves on forums” and how “we aren’t the voice of the entire game” and whatever else they come up with.

Here’s to more 8.2 game shaking changes. (Damage increased by x% damage reduced by x%, Azerite trait by x%, Talent moved from row 15 to row 90 [looked prettier]).


Makes me wonder if they’re paying people to vote for them. I mean, even with the state of BFA considered, this MMORPG is superior. That’s no mystery. But to receive an award for being the way they are in the present? Idk about that. I appreciate Blizzard and I’ve loved being a part of the community and the game experiences since 2006, but they don’t deserve an award right now. They should be spending their time improving their games, mostly Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft.

How is this not a joke.