Gamers’ Choice Awards Nomination

And thats fine. If a person wants to show their displeasure over certain people in a certain way…and it doesn’t break the rules. More power to them.

That also means I can show my displeasure over certain people in a certain way, if it doesnt break the rules as well.

At this point its probably balanced out by the people stating they are voting for a non WoW game, despite never playing it.

I am not saying either side is in the right. Or wrong. As a whole. Just how these voting systems tend to work in mmos and expansion based voting systems.

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“being mean”. lol

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I would not. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. You may be very loyal to Blizzard and still have the very cynical opinion that everyone that disagrees with you is a shill for square enix. Doesn’t make that a true statement of course. I can refute it or agree with it and bring in evidence to support my position.

Does what I say automatically make my position a revelation of truth? No. It makes it my opinion and or speculation as to the current or future state of something.

Does what you say automatically become so believable that it must be the truth? Again no. If you vote a certain way then you vote a certain way. I cannot change that vote so if what I say seems to indicate that the votes don’t matter or count means very very little and most folk should have the capacity (whether they have the ability or not is a reflection purely on them) to understand that.


I am not wishing away mean people. I know they will always be there, in every aspect of life. That doesn’t mean they should be mean though, or that they have to be mean.

This is the first, and likely only time, but akston my relentless friend, we are in agreement.

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The people leading wow into the ground need to be replaced.


Okay I believe we have a relative term here. Mean. Please forgive the double use of the word but what does mean, in this context mean?

You need to provide a definition of the term that is not self referential, is true for everyone, and needs no special context to define itself.

To you mean may be castigating someone who spoke up for your favorite gaming company. For others it might be that someone is mean who took candy from a baby and for still others mean might be the brutalizing of another human being with a cat-o-nine-tails or scourge. The word has many different gradations within that single definition.


Its entirely subjective. An adjective that holds a different meaning for any user wielding it.

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Exactly. And thus the problem. Without a concrete agreed upon definition the term becomes meaningless…sigh Cant seem to get away from that word.

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WoW will of course win and Ion will show up at the end of the month saying “Bfa has been well received across the world and the team is happy with our progress so far”.

Youre gonna have a rough time around here expecting first principals and defining terms before engaging in debate :wink:


Respect is earned, not freely dispensed. Paying customers owe no debt of respect.


voted for both warcraft options

Sorry Blizzard but you’ve not grinded enough rep with the Playerbase faction to earn our vote.


You sure you want us to do this?? LOL okie dokie.

Best comment yet.

ah yes the 2017 Fartnite nominated for 2018 game of the year again. LUL

In that statement I am not referring to the blue posters, but your fellow GD posters

If straight out the box you are saying “everyone that disagrees with me is wrong, i dont care what your reasons are”…that gives no room for anyone to even “earn” the respect you are referring to.

So much salt in this thread.