Gamer dad needs that RDF

Good news!!! You don’t have to use it, and at the same time other players time won’t be wasted in cities spamming chat.

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I bet that most of the people who are against the rdf are probably in guilds and run all their dungeons with guildies. In other words, they are people who wouldn’t really need to use the rdf anyway.

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Im in a great guild. That doesn’t make me not want RDF. Its a bit deeper than that for them.

I would like to group up with my guildies while were on discord and queue up for RDF and run through our heroics. They’re like a chore before the raid content.


As I explained above, it takes those that use it out of the pool of those looking for a group by other means, which is unhealthy as it fragments the playerbase.

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You’ll be on your server, perhaps w a guild…why would you need a massive player count to do 5 man content? Should be easy to find 20-30 like minded players without inconveniencing everyone else, particularly those on small servers or leveling. That’s why the whole “social “ commentary is such a joke.

And this is what you don’t want.

Don’t even talk to Arielba, they’ve already said they have no plans to play wrath classic.

Crazy how the small minority of players is getting their way over the VAST majority of players who want RDF. What a joke that Blizzard is listening to people like you. If you don’t want random players for your dungeon run YOU can spam chat to look for what you want to look for.

Let the rest of us queue up for random dungeon group


Honest question. Where people getting this “vast majority” information from? From what I see it’s the most vocal but is there anything with definitive proof of that being true rather then a statement not backed by any actual proof? Not trying to argue but I see both sides saying it.

You aren’t getting RDF so move on to a different game I guess…

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My guess is that most people using that terminology that are pro-RDF are counting not just the support voiced here but polling done on reddit, YT and other sites. But maybe someone that is using that term will speak up. This is just what I’ve read stated previously in other threads.

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That’s just people trying to make their arguments look more credible really, but yeah there’s really no official numbers on it.

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Honest question, have you ever seen anything anywhere where the majority of people do not want RDF in WoTLK(Polls/Forum Posts/Comment sections)? I don’t know exactly how you would get information on what the community wants other than those voicing their opinions on forums/social media. From what I have seen the overwhelming majority of opinions being voiced are in favor of RDF in WoTLKC.

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That’s what I’m asking. From everything I seen it does seem majority want it but it still seems like a little skewed to biasness. Like if you have 100k people and do a poll of anything but only 10k take it. If out of those 10k, 6k vote in favor do you take that as a overwhelming majority are in favor out of the 100k? Or is that wrong.

I’m in favor of dungeon finder but it’s not a breaking thing for me as I want to play wrath in any iteration they choose. Just not understanding the “speaking for the majority” etc stuff

It’s called Confirmation Bias.

Someone Agrees with you: “Yup, that’s right, we all agree!”
Someone Disagrees with you: “Well, they’re the loud minority.”

RDF for for all dungeons 15-70…Sure
RDF for WotLK dungeons…No Way.

RDF wont make you a better dad paying more attention to your kids will

Keep crying like this and you’ll get it in no time.

That’s the plan, buddy

It would help, same as it would help any other adult with responsibilities who values their own time. When you grow up one day you too can discover that adults can actually have hobbies too.

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