Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Personally I’m glad others are forcing people to become better players.

How would you know? The game doesn’t give you that information. You are lying, and you have no proof that this happened :slight_smile:

See how this works? Doesn’t feel very good does it?

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Whatevs. I would never allow a random stranger to make decisions for me but have fun in whatever unicorn mmo you find that doesn’t have toxic people.

I think the latest claim is FF14 is nothing but rainbows and clouds. Give that a try.

If this is how you feel, then maybe you have some decisions to make. Maybe your language is reactionary and fueled by emotion, but it’s incredibly disappointing for someone with such a cool name.

My experience, which is obviously anecdotal and only specific to me, is overwhelmingly positive as far as random dungeons go.

It’s sad to hear you had an awful experience. Those experiences are often few and far between, even if they stand out more than the positive ones.

I hope you find closure and happiness. Best of luck.


Because unlike in your case, the group actually said why.

And unlike you, I don’t care if people believe me or not, and I’m not going to dwell on something I can’t control.

I don’t care why someone kicks me. If I’m annoying them by talking too much? Fine. If my DPS is too low? Fine.

I just move on. I might vent to a friend in a whisper, but I move on. Because again, no one should be forced to group with someone they don’t want to. And if they’re in a group with a friend, the more logical solution is to kick that person, not leave themselves.

Right which is my point. You can’t put a reason in LFR so if you’re paying attention, you shouldn’t actually need a reason. You should know if a kick if justified or not. My basic rule of thumb would be if I saw the box pop up, I dismiss it unless I know from the context of the run and what was said/done if someone has it coming (which again is generally no).

And your friend getting kicked, while sucky, is still not a good enough reason. For one, you can’t kick someone that early. Think you get a 15 minute grace period or until you kill the 1st boss…and maybe like 2 mins if you go offline. Also if it was truly the start of SL, nobody would’ve been kick happy since nobody knew the dungeons…so I’m guessing there is more to this like he just sucks at tanking.

Your name and pandaren look so nice!

Only takes 4-5 minutes, I didn’t state they were kicked at the very start of the dungeon. I just stated what they had said and that they were kicked both times. But you’re so disingenuous you try to find reasons to excuse why something didn’t happen.

Nope, but do continue to make assumptions based on your own headcanon instead of actually considering other peoples feelings or experiences.


It is rather suspect, just saying. Methinks that there’s a little more that what was disclosed this far. You could’ve screen shot the text, and posted it here, but you chose not to for reasons.

They are nice when the thread is acting as their personal echo chamber. The second a dissenting opinion arrives however….

For someone who screams at anyone who misgenders her when they don’t know her gender, you sure do like to assume other people’s sexuality and gender.


The truth that a lot of people don’t want to mention for some odd reason is the WoW community is a very cruel one. Since the social and community elements have essentially been removed from the game, that also means the sense of responsibility has also been removed because there’s essentially no repercussions for players acting out of line. Cause they’ll just be brought into another group of players who literally have no idea who they’re playing with until they’re in a group with them and have gone through enough to see the toxic side come out.

When it comes to Blizzard, they honestly don’t care about toxicity. And while I don’t think there “should” be any changes to the kick feature, I think the actual problem is the lack of accountability from the community and the lack of action from Blizzard to deal with their playerbase.


I didn’t assume, I stated something is very common with a certain demographic. I didn’t even state that they were. Funnily enough, you made an assumption yourself.

As you do.


Mechlovin. It’s one vote kick. It’s a rite of passage. Just let it roll off your back and queue back up. When you come to the forums and gripe be prepared for those that disagree.


Well feel free to not respond or engage with me…I wouldn’t want my “CIS hetness” to get in the way of your no doubt justified and totally legit and not at all fabricated or made up crusade.

Also please excuse me, I have to take my priviledge and go squash some minorities now…then I have a patriarchy meeting at 5 and just where does all the time go.


Pick my husband up on the way there, please.

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Hey, you made an assumption too. As I already said:

Sounds to me like you’re having a

But at least you’ve proven you’re able to show just how many ableist sentences you can go with

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No he can just pull himself up/along by his bootstraps and along the snowy uphill path. Builds moral fiber and gumption and stuff.


someone needs to drop by this thread with that popcorn gif

Are you okay? Are you alright?