Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Don’t worry, they told a hunter on a different thread that said hunter did not know how old he was.

It’s almost like you can view someone’s armory and see their LFR kills.

If you’ve been an active participant in a group, you shouldn’t need a discussion and instantly should know if a vote is warranted or not. If the vote kick box showing up is a surprise to you, hit no irregardless of whatever is typed in it.

And clearly the level 50 with no dungeon achievements has done more LFD…

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Are these people in the room with us now?

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No, no, you see, the person making the claim has to submit no evidence.

It’s the people saying we don’t believe him that needs the evidence.

You haven’t demonstrated you’ve never been VTK, further you don’t want people to view your armory no? :3

But hey keep responding to the person that’s been targetting harassment at me and evading forum ignores and consistently attacks and misgenders me in every thread they see me in.

I always hit no, but quite a few others do not. I provided evidence of people trying to get another removed from LFR for “Not RPing and being from Moon guard”

Yeah, quite a few right here in this thread.


Well, that’s where you lost. The Party’s word is what happened. Do you trust your memory over the Party?

This is what I told my teacher in college when I turned in papers. “No YOU find my sources. I got stuff to do.”


Its sad that the community council members are just as toxic as the rest of the community. Absolutely brutal. I can see why this game is no longer the most popular MMO anymore. Pretty sad that its gotten to this point.

Community council is suppose to make the game better, not make someone quit the game. Blizzard if youre reading this, your community council is causing you to lose a customer since 2006.

The amount of trolling responses to this post is only proving my point. They think they’re being funny, but all theyre doing is helping kill their dying game.

Oh well. Plenty of other games out there to play instead.


You came to the forums to complain about something.

Provided no proof, and on top of that, even if you did, it wouldn’t matter, because no one should be forced to play with someone they don’t want to.

And you’re mad that the responses aren’t an echo chamber.


I don’t believe you with the LFR thing. Granted it has been years since I stepped foot in any kind of queue content past leveling dungeons, but LFR specifically needs 5 or so bodies to individually vote before the box even comes up plus I don’t think you were able to put a reason.

But even taking it at face value, no system is perfect but having the means to remove people is far more critical than letting them run rampant.

Yeah you said you were going to play them.

Why are you back?


Theyre not forced, they couldve just left :slight_smile:

Hilarious that you would assume such a thing. You’re a terrible person. I’m actually saddened and frustrated at how badly this community has become more than anything. Every one of your posts, as well as many others in this thread is disappointing to read. So many jaded people on this game. Its actually mentally damaging to be around people like this.


I have been VtKd, and I’ve posted on the forums about it before. Most of them were ridiculous reasons like I “talked too much” and the tank got annoyed. The difference here is I just moved on.

On top of that, you literally just have to google Maizou Proudmoore to see my armory. It’s really not that hard.

Or, hear me out.

They could use the tools given to them, to remove the person they don’t want to play with.

1 Like Literally linked it. LFR is images 1-2. They were VTK a druid healer, and they even state their reason in the chat. in LFR it takes more than a couple people to even initiate a VTK.

Image 3 is my own, when I got VTK out of a dungeon for ‘hacking dps’ on my arcane mage. Those were the only images of my own that I could dig up and find and they’re actually decently old by this point.

My friend didn’t take images, but got kicked TWICE at the start of Shadowlands as a tank for not knowing the dungeons. They would say in group “Hey all, this is my first time running this dungeon please be patient!” and both times they got kicked. First week of launch, by the way.

No, your profile is under hidden. I tend to respect that and not dig into a persons armory when they have that setting.


I have it hidden entirely to avoid the “Maizou is posting…” tag. I don’t like people knowing when I’m replying to a thread. I got rather rude responses from people when these forums first went up because I would start a reply, decide not to post it, and just move on.

Blizzard does not let us choose which parts of the hidden profile we wish to use, it’s all or nothing.

My subscription is canceled. My only month back since the lawsuit news came out. Figured Id give it another shot, and then I come back to this. You guys have given me so many reasons to never come back.

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Seems like a big claim to make based on someone’s response to a forum post, homie.

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