Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Please, explain to me why anyone should be forced to stay in a group with someone they don’t want to?

The fact you seem to think people should is worrisome.


What’s funny to me is you automatically assume the OP is being 100% truthful even though there are three people out there some where that would tell you he’s lying.

But whatevs right? His opinion fits your narrative so it must be true.



The funny part is, that cooldown doesn’t even start at an hour and it’s only for the person that initiated the kick. It’s a lot lower time if they don’t frequently use kicks, but if they do then the first person they end up removing ends up pushing it up to an hour. So it’s really telling that the CC member thinks it’s straight 1 hour off the bat, they must use it a lot.

The funny part is, that cooldown doesn’t even start at an hour and it’s only for the person that initiated the kick. It’s a lot lower time if they don’t frequently use kicks, but if they do then the first person they end up removing ends up pushing it up to an hour. So it’s really telling that the CC member thinks it’s straight 1 hour off the bat, they must use it a lot.

Can apply to that to the entire server or game, why don’t you? Vote to kick people offline, I imagine you’d support that too.

You should need a legitimate reason to remove someone from a LFD or LFR group. Not just ‘because they didn’t dispel this’ even though there were no wipes or deaths.

Too bad that’s not the reason OP was kicked. But keep bad faith arguing.

Have been removed for being Worgen, Vulpera, being from MG/Argent Dawn etc, seen people attempt to get people removed in LFR for “Not Roleplaying in raid” since they were from an RP server. There’s plenty of other threads that have come out of people being removed for nonsense reasons, and I definitely believe them.


I can’t remember the last time I was kicked from a party, I feel like these people who say they get kicked all the time are maybe being less than truthful when they say they didn’t so anything to warrant it.


Do some M+, the players are super understanding and helpful. They never complain and always know how to play their class too.


The OP has shown zero evidence backing up their claims.

It’s very common knowledge that a good portion of the time, the claims people make on this forum are exaggerated or skewed to make them seem like the victim, but in reality it’s much different.

Is it possible they were kicked for not dispelling? Yes. But it’s not likely.

But even if it was why they were kicked - it’s a legitimate reason - the healer was not doing their job. It doesn’t matter if it wasn’t a wipe-worthy mistake.


Let’s not get carried away, most of us don’t hold these people in any sort of esteem at all.


While I agree it was a pretty silly reason to kick you, what I think doesn’t matter. It is what the other four members of your group thought. They should be allowed to kick you for what ever reason they want, provided they get a majority decision.


Same for you, rules for thee but not for me.

It’s pretty likely, and you have zero evidence to the contrary as is. Perhaps then you could wait to hold off on your judgement until that gets provided.

I see you’re not parsing 90+ percentile, I guess that’s enough for you to be gone and offline in your eyes too.

  1. It only takes 3.

The kick feature is working as intended. People don’t have to group with you, you have no right to their time. and as always I’m 99.9% certain that there is more to this story than what is being told.


I’m not the one complaining on the forums about being kicked. I have zero evidence I need to give.

Yes, if my dps wasn’t up to what the group wanted, then it’s their choice and ability to kick me. :exploding_head:


Ok so, let me get this straight;

You do group content.
You have a spell to aid a group member.
BUT You play as an individual and ignore the request for aid.

Why would they want to keep someone, who doesn’t play for the group in their group?

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Report him. Shrug.

Your face needs an updated kick feature.

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Let me tell you a story of what happened in Cata when LFG was fresh

You click join dungeon. You get Grim Batol. Tank says he isn’t moving until he is kicked because he doesn’t want to do Grim Batol but does want the random dungeon queue rewards and doesn’t want deserter for leaving himself and back then you didn’t get deserter if you were kicked.

So deserter was implemented to kicked people to fix that and odds are good if you were so horrible that a group wanted you gone that early in a group, odds are you needed a timeout anyway…but then there was another issue. Kicked people started to cry about always being kicked and legit some groups did kick people who actually needed gear…so Blizzard created an invisible immunity timer where the more someone was kicked, the longer it took for a group to kick then countered by an invisible buff to those who never kicked which allowed them to kick faster…so it became a troll haven to screw groups over and get kicked and build up massive hours worth of kick immunity except for the most stoic and reserved people who never kicked.

No matter what system exists…people will abuse and exploit it. What you are asking for is basically how things were where groups are helpless to the whims of the bad players (both in skill wise and personality wise).

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i had a tank one time that was getting dotted with something. I was healing him thru it, literally I keep my team at 100% thru the entire run. I dont care how much mana it costs. If they get low, they die quick, wipes happen. I just avoid it entirely by keeping that bar full.
Well, he didnt like the DoT or whatever it was that was doing some minor damage to him…that again, Im healing anyway…so he starts screaming about it in chat.
At the point he got obnoxious, Im not doing squat. lol. find a way to get it off yourself, tanky.
If it were something worse, Id have bothered with it. I was more interested in making sure he was able to fight and keeping his health up than some petty DoT that was so minor I didnt even notice it in the first place.

Drama queens.
what do you do about them, lol


Op is complaining about premades. Premades require 4.

Then I guess you also can’t counter and say that it didn’t happen, can you? You air on the side that it did.

I imagine you’d be fine with this system as I already mentioned, given there’s definitely not a group that would abuse it on you because this community would never do that; right?

LFD is 3.


This was Cata…good memory. I tanked a lot of dungeons in Cata.

You could also zone out and quest or whatever if refused a kick. I only would do what you are talking about if I got into one with a guild group. 3-4 dudes without a tank friend? No thanks, I know how those runs went.

No, and that’s a horrible attempt to make an equivalency. Like, one of the worst I’ve seen on this forum. Lmao.

Kicking someone from a dungeon is nothing like kicking someone from the game.

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