Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Why is your opinion on what’s a legit kick any more valid than mine?

I’m not using the word toxic. You are. You can keep that word.

I will repeat myself: in my opinion, as a WoW player since 2007, having completed hundreds if not thousands of dungeons as a healer, getting group kicked for missing one dispel is ALLOWED under the current game structure, but ILLEGITIMATE. That’s my opinion, and I’m very comfortable standing by it.

Interrupting someone’s game play for as much as 30 minutes just because they failed, once, to do what you wanted or expected them to do, is some high-level entitlement.

It is allowed. But I think it makes for really bad gameplay. And as a result, I engage in group content reluctantly. Right now, I’ll only run dungeons to complete a covenant calling. The gold is worth it.

Putting one person’s feelings above 3 to 4 others is higher entitlement.

And again, you’re basing this on the assumption the OP is telling the truth and we have no idea if he is. My opinion is that the other three people are telling the truth. Why are they lying and the OP isn’t?

It’s not, which is my point.

Did you misquote or are you really asking me?

Meant to quote you and respond to the gnome.

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If you think the OP is lying, then I don’t understand what purpose there is in discussing it. Because I have had similar experiences, I’m chiming in because it it relevant to my experience. And if you think I’m lying, then there’s even less point in discussing it.

So you throw out all these statements and when anyone ask you specific questions it’s “I don’t want to discuss it.”

Seems about right.

If the OP isn’t telling the truth, then the situation that is being discussed isn’t real, and isn’t worth discussing. If I am not telling the truth, then the situations that I am discussing aren’t real, and aren’t worth discussing.

I’m interested in the balance of power between one player (a human being who pays for their WoW subscription) against 3 or more players (also human beings who pay for their WoW subscriptions) in random “pick up” format content, where there is conflict.

It’s an interesting question, and “It’s fine the way it is – get gud, scrub,” just isn’t a sufficient answer for me.

We agree that removing someone for a mistake (especially one that has no real lasting adverse effects) is petty and dumb. I would even go farther and say this doesn’t happen in literally 99.9% of groups I’ve been in and I imagine that number is pretty accurate across the board. The extreme vast majority of people are likely not even aware of whatever mechanic or that it could be dispelled and even if they did, aren’t going to pick a fight rather than just move on with their life.

You can not though try and claim the fact that a group deciding collectively someone needs kicked is wrong. We can 100% agree we would not make that same decision as them, but trying to come up with iron clad rules for what warrants a kick ALWAYS leads to pushing the line to the point where the rules don’t exist. Since sure, missing 1 dispel and getting kicked is petty…but 2? 3? How many? When you get that number, it then becomes why aren’t other held responsible? Was the cast interruptible or avoidable? Why wasn’t it killed first? Was other utility available that could have sufficied?

It’s a slippery slope to the point where exceptions and counters and what ifs abound and nobody is wrong and nobody is right because everyone, by their own logic, is right and/or wrong.

And god forbid you just remove kicking “since we’re all free spirits and right and wrong can never be truly determined and the content is easy enough anyway”…that would devolve so quickly into anarchy with bad players going out of their way to harass and harm groups knowing they can’t be dealt with

That would…actually be a pretty good April fools joke for a day from the WoW team.

“get gud scrub” isn’t the answer people are giving. It’s more along the lines of “It’s fine the way it is, get over it.” Which he should.

If this is the only time you have been kicked, then chalk it up to one bad experience and move on. If you’re getting kicked constantly, well the only common denominator in those groups consisting of many different people from many different servers and many different countries is you so you need to reevaluate what you’re doing.

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I can’t really conceive of a better system than we currently have TBH. The game can’t realistically track what everyone is and isn’t doing wrong and decide who is reasonable to kick. If it was attempted people would start trolling in ways that mess with the group but aren’t being tracked and then you wouldn’t be able to kick them. Short of that I don’t know how blizz would prevent unreasonable kicks. At the end of the day most of the group’s members have to agree you should go. That doesn’t always end up with reasonable results, but it mostly does.

My counteroffer: the right to quit a group at any time with zero penalty. Immediately able to queue again. Only applies to Reg/Heroic LFG/LFR, because N/H/M Raids and Mythic+ are all premade.

(I have no opinion about PVP because I don’t participate and I don’t feel like I have credibility in that areana.)

They did this in Wrath and dps got screwed over.

Now you’re just letting people que as tank or healer and troll a group and making the group all have to reque, which is worse than kicking them because you are at the back of the line instead of the front.

Um no? The one person deemed to cause a problem can requeue and odds are didn’t get a debuff it the dungeon was deep in progress.

There is a saying that applies here…it’s your $15 a month to play how you want, but it’s our $60 that decides you’re bad/dumb/etc and we don’t want you in our group anymore.

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Yeah. Casuals are the absolute worst people in the game. They are mega entitled, whiny, little authoritarians. Trumped up dictators of whatever they can put into their own sphere of influence.

Kicking from LFG doesn’t make sense in 2022. I’d say just remove the feature entirely, but then they’d just afk at the front of instances and expect a carry, so there’s really no way around it.

Best option: don’t pug. Just queue with 5 guildies or friends when possible.

Second best option: Vote kicking should just put you back in the queue, and flag you not available to the group that kicked you.

I think that giving the majority – and this is just in randoms – the power to kick someone and incur either a cooldown or an outright deserter debuff, depending – isn’t good for gameplay.

If someone is unhappy with another player, I think they should leave and be free to find another group as quickly as possible.

Again, they did this in Wrath and dps got screwed. It didn’t automatically put you in queue but there was no penalty to getting kicked.

So what a tank or healer would do to avoid the debuff is sit down and refuse to move until the group kicked them. For dps, that wasn’t a big deal but when the other two rolls did it, it held the group hostage.

Blizzard should not be rewarding that kind of behavior. Yes, getting kicked sucks, especially if you felt like you did nothing wrong, but it’s not a big deal. Life goes on, there are other things to do in the game for 30 minutes.

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I swear on my mum that people who don’t like the current vote kick system didn’t play during Wrath.


4 people unhappy with 1 person should all, individually, leave and be forced to restart their own queue and leaving the agreed upon by 4 people problematic single person free in the partially finished instance the group all collectively worked towards to continue whatever bad action scared off 4 other people to then inflict upon 4 other people.

THAT is your idea of fair? Come on and get real. That makes no sense and you have to know that.