Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Nah, it needs to be upgraded to roundhouse kick. It forces you to /yell a chuck norris joke and spawns you in the barrens no matter where you were before the queue.

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See, these are the upgrades to the kick feature that we need.

(off topic: why do I have an upvote limit?!)

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Every account has a like limit per day based on trust level v

I know but why?

lol so a group of 2 holds the majority of power in a 5 man group now…

I think it’s just the forum software they use.

It’s really stupid. For one thing, why is it bad to like a bunch of post? And for another, since I have two active accounts, I could upvote your post hundreds of times by cycling through alts but I can’t do that on one character with TL3 for… reasons?

They need to fix that. It’s beyond annoying.

first time I have seen an original idea like that (that could work) in response to this vote to kick issue in 9 years on the forum

The person got kicked, not for missing the dispel, but IGNORING THE CRITICIRM. Why are you being so dense on this?

The OP clearly thinks he’s better than them and didn’t owe them an explanation (hence why he mentioned how he saw and ignored it). He probably even knew he had to do the dispel but thought “meh, it’s TWing so who cares”.

I 100% agree kicking someone for that is petty and I would have voted no. It still doesn’t change though that being rude and disrespectful to your group IS a perfectly valid reason to kick someone though…as is ANY reason a majority decide. That doesn’t make it “fair” by most people’s definition, but it is still “right”. The alternative is far worse even.

Once again, you are dodging me on my attacks on your arguments for reasons I can only imagine is you KNOW you are out of your depth and wrong and that you have no argument against me or my logic.

One person can initiate, and most people blindly vote ‘yes’. Especially if it’s for a laughable reason that they may or may not agree with.

The one that initiated could 100% have just left, they could have made a premade group of 5 as well if they ‘don’t want to play with someone else they may not like’ or ‘playing a certain race they don’t like’ etc.

Because it’s disrupting said persons gameplay by a minimum of 30-40 minutes, and since it happened at the end of the dungeon to avoid them getting to finish the dungeon it was even more in this specific case. Done quite some time after the ‘issue’ so clearly said players waited just to grief.

The ENTIRE issue with your logic in this system is that you don’t agree that anyone should be able to vote someone off from playing on their server.

I know people like Tovi after their posts here and in the Discord they just get kicks for removing people and hearing them ‘whine’ about it.

Of course, that’s unsubstantiated so much like you ‘don’t believe OP and there’s something else there’ you don’t get to make ‘common’ or ‘rare’ statements.

That’s not an issue with the system, that’s an issue with the players.


It’s an issue with both if the system doesn’t address the issue. :3 That’s how we get change, amazing I know.

There is no such thing as an idiot proof system. The second you think you’ve come up with one, the universe creates a bigger idiot.

If you’re so sure the system needs to change, how would you change it?


Blizz has been pretty clear that not wanting someone on the group is, on it’s own:

You may disagree, but that’s a different issue.

If a group wants to kick someone, they submit a ticket and the dungeon pauses until a GM can port in and take detailed statements, analyze logs/chat, and render a decision on the kick.

By which point everyone’s left the dungeon because no one wants to wait hours for the dungeon to un-pause.

Ok but what if the GM that decides is judge Judy?


Then I would be in heaven.


You can fall down a very dark, deep hole if you’re not careful when it comes to pet battles.

In a single dungeon, when I’m healing, I might dispel dozens of effects. Missing one, even if it results in a player dying, even in a private custom group with no random LFG/LFR players, is not valid grounds for removal. A private custom group leader can remove someone for that reason, but unless they are a sponsored team engaged in e-sports, it is allowed but not legitimate.

But in a random group, whether there is a premade component to it or just 5 random players, missing one dispel is not legitimate grounds for removal.

Blizzard has designed group content so that someone can be removed for that reason, and people often are removed for similarly illegitimate reasons, but what we can do and what it is appropriate for us to do are very rarely the same thing.

The only reason I comment on this topic at all is that Blizzard’s design choices create incentives, and some of those incentives aren’t particularly friendly to enjoyable group play. One of many reasons I don’t engage in M+ or N/H/M Raiding is that group dynamics are designed in a way that people can be raging jerks and not only avoid negative consequences but actively benefit from their poor behavior.

Luckily, WoW has a lot of solo-friendly content and drop in/drop out content that allows me to have fun on my schedule while avoiding most poor behavior.

Says who? You? What made you the authority on what is a legit kick and what’s not?

Also, you’re basing this on every thing the OP said was true. It might be and it might not be. Nobody knows but for some reason you’re accepting it as fact and anyone that doesn’t is “toxic.”

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