Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Of course they didn’t. Why else would they say “HURR DURR NO PENALTY :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They have no idea what it was like to be a Hunter (for example) that waits in queue for 30 to 40 minutes only to get a dungeon that the tank doesn’t like and watch him sit at the zone in and spam “kick me” over and over. Yeah, we don’t like Occulus either but it’s not fair that you don’t get a debuff but we all do.

(p.s. I loved Occulus but this dungeon was the worst offender for these kinds of people.)

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It shouldn’t cost 30 minutes of my time because a troll initiated a kick and 4 kids who can’t read just pushed the button.

It can’t be policed in its current form and it does more harm than good. Let people play the game. The debuff shouldn’t exist at all.

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The debuff doesn’t prevent you from logging in or doing the other activities the game has to offer.

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See my brain has Forge of Souls as the one that’s burnt into it for bad tanks since that was the patch they introduced lfg.

Yeah I don’t remember that one being bad.

For me it was Occulus and Azjol Nerub and it was always a male tauren Warrior.

Hm, I wonder why you were kicked… :thinking:

You don’t think that if this were to happen, the person who would have complained about being kicked wouldn’t just complain about the leavers?


If it stops me from doing what I want to do, it may as well be a 30 min ban. Idk about you, but I don’t do anything I don’t want to do.

Pretty much this. This says everything I came here to say.