Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

You rolled up to this thread, posted that retail is entirely a toxic cesspool, and that you don’t play retail. It wasn’t attack the classic player, it was more of how seriously should we take the opinion of someone who admits that they don’t play what they are attacking?

It’s funny how these “victims” all start the same way. If you look at the OP, he’s completely trashing the entire WoW community because of one dungeon kick then it’s SHOCK when the community he just called bottom of the barrel is hostile.

Is that what the gold text means? My color is unimpressed.

You can’t define “fair” as a universal standard. Your entire ethical argument foundation is built on swamp land for the simple fact that there can be no definitive ethical code because everyone has their own stance on any given various topic and what is ethical.

The OP whined he got kicked because he didn’t do his job and remove a debuff from a teammate (and seemingly just ignored the group instead of just being humble and apologizing) and that they cruelly waited until the end of the dungeon to make the kick to maximize his waste of time. There are literally 3 major branches of thought that we can go down knowing nothing else than that surface depth of a story. Why is 1 automatically the ethical one?

They have a misinformed idea of what a Community Council member is.

A Community Council member is not to be held in a higher regard than other players. They are ordinary players like everyone else, who applied for and got selected to be given access to the Community Council forum to provide constructive feedback. They also got some colorful text. That’s really it.

They are entitled to their opinions.

They are not ranking members as far as I am concerned, and their Council status can be removed from them as quickly as it was given.

Disagreeing with you isn’t being toxic…


What’s that pet’s stats? P/B? S/S? Hoping for P/S.

Sorry I don’t actually know anything about Pokemon, I’m just good at googling gifs quickly.

I’m being goofy. Those are WoW pet breeds.


Oh my. Clearly I also don’t know anything about pet battles lol

I just put a link in if you’re curious.

Edit: I’m sorry but since I’ve been labeled unethical and toxic I was supposed to call you a stupid noob instead of providing a helpful link. Please forgive me.

Your WoW Community Council, folks, accusing other players of lying.

Your WoW Community Council folks, claiming that missing one dispel in a random group is legitimate grounds for kicking a healer in a game that doesn’t 1) communicate mechanics without addons or 2) specifically train players on the healer role in groups.

Unless getting kicked by random groups is the learning mechanic?

Regardless, all of this is permitted behavior, so it’s fine, right?

Doing what you’re allowed to do to other people, as long as it’s technically within the rules, is just fine, right?


This isn’t a blizzard issue.

It’s a community issue.

People constantly appeal to authority to correct people’s behavior that can’t really be enforced away. The community has to change.

If I’m in a group, especially a timewalking full of people who really don’t know their class, or leveling… and I see a kick come up for some nonsense (like going the wrong way right before the 2nd to last boss in wod mines) I vote no, then vote to kick whoever was trying to kick over nonsense.

Sometimes it passes, sometimes it doesn’t, but either way people see that come up and think about it for at least a second.

Be the change you want to see, don’t just try to call the cops every day because your neighbor made a mean face in your general direction.


Something I noticed lately is if the hyper kicker doesn’t get his way (we all vote no) then he usually leaves and the problem resolves itself.


I agree. There needs to be an upgrade from “Kick” to “Spinkick”

When you get kicked, you not only get kicked but anyone standing close to you also gets kicked.


I like the way you think.

When Tovi is the one defending me, you know you’re on the wrong side. Tovi doesn’t like me lol

Also, I am now reporting that gnomes post. I was nice and ignored the personal attacks twice, but the third time is the limit.

the group decides who to kick - 3-4 people decided you needed to be kick. There really is no better system than the one that currently exists. If others are forced to play with you when they don’t want to, bad stuff would happen

and you really aren’t entirely innocent either if you weren’t paying attention to chat - I think the rogue was being too aggressive and picky but whatever.