Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

I’m just confused why you’re here is Classic is so perfect and these forums are so toxic.

Oh so in your opinion, let it be toxic and don’t point it out? Let someone commit a crime, don’t point it out, Just stay away. Fantastic perception. I can visit whatever forums I want, and post a comment to any thread that I want. Sorry you think that I should be confined to the Classic forums.

It isn’t an ethical debate if you do not have a working definition of ethics. The idea of “three against one” itself is an ethical debate. I’m sorry if you don’t get that, but I’m not here to help you make your arguments. I’m here to make mine.

Except that they can’t (not by themselves). For a premade of 3 to kick someone, you need at least 1 person outside the premade, as has been explained multiple times this thread.

I think I’ll let you make my arguments for me. According to Tovi, I’m not allowed to. I must remain in Classic since I prefer to play it.

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That’s fine and you are absolutely right, you are a subscribed WoW player and have access to the forums. Just don’t be surprised if you come at the forums swinging, and your hypocrisy is pointed out to you. That’s only fair, wouldn’t you agree?

So you’re just here to be a hall monitor?

ROFL yes let’s compare robbing a bank to someone getting snarky on the forum.

I never said you couldn’t be here, I’m just confused why are you since Classic has rainbows shooting out of unicorn butts and the retail GD has xenomorphs but I got my answer. You’re a hall monitor.

What hypocrisy?? Please detail. You’re the one coming with snide commentary. I gave my opinion of this topic but because I play Classic, my opinion is invalid?

You are part of the problem. Toxicity in every reply to me. When people like you go unpunished, then more think it’s ok to be a jerk. Thanks for proving mine AND the OPs point.

If you want to punish me, please do. Make sure you wear your hall monitor sash when you do. I’ll put on my school girl uniform.

No, I have not been snide and, in fact, have taken special care to cater to your feelings with what I have to say. You, on the other hand, have been on the offensive from the start, including micro aggressions such as “Thanks for playing.”

I have not invalidated your opinions once. Your opinion is quite intact. You claim that retail is rife with toxicity but at the moment, I see you being the toxic one.

For someone who has such a problem with toxic people, you sure do seem to be drawn to toxic behavior lmao

You have the right to voice your opinion. Others have a right to challenge your opinion.

Devolving into calling someone who disagrees with you toxic is not going to win you many friends.

This statement is outrageous!

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Boy you sure put in a ton of mental and emotional work into something twisting and turning it when it has a really simple answer…

For LFG, the majority rules. Period. The rights of the majority supercede the rights of the minority or the singleton. Period. Plan and simple.

For non LFG, the leader and those they deem as trusted subordinates are the ones responsible for making hiring and firing decisions. You have no inherent right to be in that group no matter how much you contributed or otherwise feel justified and entitled to be there. Period.

Life is never perfectly fair. There are going to be scenarios and situations where power gets abused. “Innocent” people will get “unfairly” removed for bogus or unfair reasons. Trying to fix those issues is a colossal waste of time by the GM’s who themselves are just as open to bias and bad judgement as well. Removing the means for anyone to kick anyone will absolutely lead to a hellish nightmare where bad players causing unstoppable amounts of chaos and mayhem which is far worse than the occasional singleton getting trolled and removed from groups they didn’t “deserve” being removed from.

Here’s another one: Negativity is a choice. :wink:

No, I just made the mistake of constantly responding to the one actually BEING toxic, that you and several others refuse to acknowledge, thereby letting them continue to be that way. Instead, you jumped on the bandwagon of “attack the Classic player”. My opinion itself wasn’t challenged, my being a Classic player posting on the Retail forums was challenged and mocked arrogantly. And now the thread has gone of the rails because YOU and several others thought it best to come reply to me in snide, arrogant fashion.

Man the victim is strong in this one.

You reap what you sow, full stop. Simple as that.

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What’s fair vs. what’s permitted by the rules is, pretty much, the entire topic at hand. We can do things to one another in game that many would call unfair, unethical, or cruel. But they’re permitted. So that’s fine, right?