Game Needs Updated Kick Feature

Leave the group. Report them. Ignore them. You never have to worry about them again.

There’s no way to stop three people from voting you out. If they get one vote as a premade, that means only one other person has a vote.

Skimming through this topics replies I couldn’t help but consider what would likely happen if they were to somehow prevent people from kicking.

First, I imagine most of the people that would generally kick for the things that people kicked are complaining about would just not use the que.

Then trolls would run off a lot more people and depending on the specific solution employed to prevent kicks, would be actioned themselves and likely also quit queuing once the action was over.

Seems likely that in the end, the fallout would be that only the worst players, now all stuck together multiplying each others badness would end up RPing threw the dungeons rubbing each others rears telling one another how awesome a person they each are and how everyone deserves to be included.

If you are getting kicked frequently, like several times per week from queued dungeons, you ARE NOT a statistical anomaly. There is a cause that is a part of you. Morality doesn’t even enter into it. Doesn’t matter if other don’t want to play with you because you chose the wrong hair style or because you are just too awesome and make them all feel bad about themselves, it is never ok to make one person accept and socialize / play with another.


I believe that, a group of idiots wanted everyone to get on the free tree mount and got upset i refused to use the tree mount so they kicked me :woman_shrugging: people are stupid

No run or content is worth the humiliation of being told what mount to use lmao

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I spent about an hour and a half exploring, in writing, why your comment above – “No one should be forced to play with someone they don’t want to.” – bothered me so much. Then I had conversations with two different gamers that I’m close with so that they could poke holes in my arguments and help me flesh out my ideas.

I’m not going to share any of that here.

However, I would like to humbly point out that if a play finds themselves in a group that they don’t want to play with, they can … LEAVE THE GROUP.

If you don’t like where you are, the quickest and easiest way to take responsibility for your needs and to meet those needs is to LEAVE.

Two WoW players. Two monthly subscriptions. Two human beings. How do you decide which rights take precedence: the right to play a game you’re paying to play, or the right to only play with people you want to play with?

The answer to that question gets very complicated very quickly, and figuring it out requires a clear ethical framework.

Sadly, the behavior of many players on the forums – including members of the community council – seems to indicate that no such ethical framework exists.

Hear me out.

One person alone cannot kick someone. It takes a MINIMUM of 3. 4 if it’s a pre-made group.

Please explain your math in which 3 players all choosing to kick someone jeans the person who initiated the kick should have just left?

On top of this, in the case of the OP, the people were in the group with friends. Why should two people leave instead of use the tools blizzard gave them to remove the person they consider problematic?

If it was strictly 1v1 your logic makes sense, however, it isn’t. One person cannot create a kick by themselves.


3 against 1 seems like a good way to figure this out. It’s not rocket science nor is it an ethical debate.

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I agree. I think some people are inclined to try to dig deeper into rather shallow issues to try to conflate them into bigger social issues.

I don’t know why someone would throw veiled shade towards the community while actively participating in what they are condemning.

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Best part: if the 3/4 who didn’t want to play with OP just dropped, OP would be complaining about leavers


M+ and focus on esports has turned the community on itself. If you’re not perfect in WoW you’re garbage to many players. The very same toxicity we see among the worst sports fans is what Blizzard has been fostering.

It reminds me of what it was like to work a highly competitive tech-based job at a very large company. There were no co-workers, just competitors all after the same prize: surviving the hunger games. Betraying your team to make yourself look better was common. This is what the WoW community is like now.

Imagine starting a game as a new player and finding that the chat is overloaded toxic, political and sexual comments not being moderated. To find that no one groups up in the open world or gives a green orc’s butt about you. Additionally, most just stand in the current content capital city, hitting a button, and waiting to whisked away to a dungeon far off, to mindlessly smash their keyboard and win prizes while simultaneously either ignoring everyone else in the group or doing things on purpose because it’s ‘fun’, then immediately returned to the city again to wait for the next ‘pop’.
I wouldn’t want to play that game either. I wouldn’t want to join a game where the players care only for themselves because ‘leet numbers/gear/achieves’ are the most important to them. THAT is what retail became. Arrogant Raiders (and some PvP) raged on these forums wanting more more more. So things became streamlined with heirlooms so that raiders could level fast fast fast, and get what THEY wanted.
THIS is why so many wanted Classic back. No LFD. 20x more social content, more friendly players because… what’s this? We have to rely on EACH OTHER in order to get something? Yes. Don’t stand in the bad, the healer can’t keep up. Dispel/cleanse/purify or we all die. Bring the player AND the class.

If I were met with toxicity and mind-numbing gameplay, I would be “fragile” and quit too. I am here to play a game to have fun, make friends (you know, something many did as children BEFORE the internet). If I want to be outraged, irritated, insulted, and in a bad mood the rest of the day, I’d go watch politics.

Nah I’m not going to imagine all that because it’s so rare. What commonly happens is the entire dungeon is run with nobody talking. Maybe a friendly “hello” and “tyfg” at the end.

Only way to change that is to remove the dungeon finder.

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Retail players would be outraged. They’d threaten everything they could. Thus, we have Classic. This and so many other reasons is why I don’t play Retail anymore.

If you want to be outraged, irritated, insulted, and in a bad mood, you will be. No matter what you do, no matter where you go.

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The only people who would be outraged would be the people who strictly rely on the LFD tool. That being said, removing the LFD tool is unrealistic and is a disproportionate response to a problem with easier and obvious solutions.

Being upset about common occurrences in the real world is on the person. Just go somewhere else. Being upset about occurrences in a game, is on the moderators. The WoW community has become extremely toxic, as is proven in these forums EVERY, SINGLE, DAY. I have a great time in Classic every day. Im in a fantastic guild and I have many friends. Thanks for playing though.

You seem lost. This is the retail forums.

I disagree.

In any case, I am very glad you have many friends and a fantastic guild. It doesn’t seem like you are any less hostile or upset about your perception of retail though. You are here on the retail forum after all, despite how you feel about it. As far as I am concerned, your anecdotal experience doesn’t make my statement any less wrong.

My original response was to the OP complaining about a Retail feature. I have a right to my opinion on that post, as do you. Doesn’t matter if I don’t play Retail anymore. I’ve been playing since beginning of Wrath, so I think I have enough experience to base an informed opinion on the subject at hand, without having to be a current Retail player.

The fact that a pre-made group of three people can then utilize the random group finder to flesh out their group with 2 randos and then use their baked-in majority to kick said randos is, in itself, a problem.

I agree with your assertion that it is a permitted mechanic in the game. People are allowed to do what you are describing.

I just think it’s 1) unfair and 2) bad for the social aspect of the game to allow this kind of behavior.

I have ideas, but my ideas don’t matter. I can’t create change here.

But I can speak my piece.

As someone who has been randomly pulled into a group where 3 people were friends in a partial pre-made, who then used their baked-in majority to dictate everything that happened in the group experience, lest I get kicked, I don’t think it’s out of bounds to say that my experience was garbage and the behavior of the majority was garbage.

It is permitted to behave like garbage in WoW. I accept that.

But it will also need to be permitted that I call out garbage, and put myself on the record as opposing said garbage.