Game is dying

The game is always dying, it’s been dying since 2004

playing on a dead server gets you dead server population.

News at 11

All good things must, eventually, come to an end.

and yet there are groups going 24/7 on classic era and wotlk. stay in denial all you want about it. retail bastardized what wow stood for. the slow degradation of everything that made warcraft what it was has led you all to this. enjoy your inclusive, soy game.


On the one hand, i think its just the pre new patch lull being a thing. On the other, so many areas are freaking dead right now and even m+ is starting to look like mid morning alliance keys during bfa. This games still fun don’t get me wrong but i am defs feeling a lack of players lately.


It’s been dropping off since the peak during Wrath when the game was in a goldilocks zone of socialization (early days of mass social media and everyone “getting online”) and not a ton of other great options out there. Now, there are tens of thousands of games out there, so naturally, people aren’t as inclined to spend every waking moment playing a single solitary game.

Basically, it’s completely normal and almost every other game out there follows the same trends. There are some exceptions like Counterstrike and League of Legends, but almost every game follows the same new content->peak->crash->new content->etc etc rhythm. Also, keep in mind that WoW is almost 20 years old and most of us are 20 years older now… I don’t game like I used to anymore and most other normal people are in that same boat.

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idk in vanilla there really was this sense of wonderment before we knew what was around every corner. everything felt huge! but yeah. nowadays (in most every mmo) it’s pretty sameish. classic people literally know what to do at every step–it’s worse than retail lol.

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I’m not so sure about that; according to people like you, WoW also died during Wrath.

i remember reading beta forums before wow was released about how it would never make it in the market


Logs in
Sees an ocean of people in Stormwind and Valdrakken
Sees a bunch of WTS trade chats
Sees a bunch of Mythic+ dungeon requests
Wow, what a ghost town…

Which they must be doing, as they do what business analytics say produce the most revenue.

mmmkay random warrior.

I didn’t even mention Classic or WOLTK. Personally, I don’t care about them. If you enjoy them, then more power to you. Honestly, have fun. They are no where near the population they had when they were new. However, they have a much smaller server pool and having a smaller server pool would benefit Retail as well. Which what what my post was about.

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I know at the end of a season there is always to be expected some downtime from players. But to go from weekly raids and M+ runs to nothing before we even know when the end of season actually is?

Servers have nothing to do with premade or instanced content.


It’s always the people on the dead servers saying the game is dead.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, did you swap over from, “Blizzard is the best and Dragonflight is the greatest thing since sliced bread,” over to, “Blizzard is the devil and Dragonflight is awful” because you weren’t getting enough hearts on your posts or something!?

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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10.2 is lined up to ring in the lowest population the game has ever seen, especially once it’s confirmed by Blizzard that there’s no 10.3. It’s just another 10.1 patch.

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10.3 will come… as a fated raid with the missing caterpillar mount.

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Let this sink in a bit.

We were promised much faster patch releases. We technically got it, but did we actually get more content? I don’t think we did even though I do generally think it’s a good expansion.

November 2nd will be the 6-month mark since 10.1 was released. So we’re still in the same 6 month major patch cycle. What’s changed? Nothing really other than content being sprinkled in every couple months instead of dumped all at once.

So the tldr; is this: in my view, we’re barely above Shadowlands in terms of content. There was actually a lot to do in SL, but the disjointed zones really killed that feeling. Not to mention the 9-month patch cycles, but I digress.

I also don’t think this whole “rotate in old dungeons for M+” thing has gone over well. Especially since not a single season this expansion has used the entire DF pool. What a mistake that was.

No new PvP content either.


A big issue is that Shadowlands, with the help of BFA, essentially killed any interest on many, many players for more WoW. DF is pretty much a financial flop because of Shadowlands and BFA, and it takes more than just a expac that doesn’t suck to actually bring players back. Blizzcon announcement has to be something big and they better have it.

I think after the end of MoP(and the golden age of WoW), with Actiblizz going independent from Vivendi, the game has been going downhills. The first expac the independent Actiblizz did was WoD, which speaks for itself. Legion was decent but suffered from many, many design issues that not only held its potential back, but they carried over to BFA and destroyed the fun in the gameplay aspect of BFA big time.

Shadowlands failed not only to fix this, but aggravated many of the game’s issues even more and with terrible writing(Thanks Danuser), atrocious gameplay design choices(Thanks, Ion) and numerous problems created by the head honcho purely for the sake of cash that ruined not just wow, but many other blizzard games, and yeah. It’s easy to see how people gave up, and its going to need a miracle to bring them back.

If Actiblizz want us to believe they can deliver quality like the pre-WoD expansions, they need to show it to us and they need to make the next expac look unique and impressive enough to lure older players back.