You do realise this is just another form of saying “Game is dying”.
Even more so when you take into account this issue, the same groups of players beating up on the same groups of players, it does not by any means mean that it’s active.
You could have 80 people actively playing BG’s and get a 2 minute, does that mean it’s an active player base?
Ive never understood how people can farm the same dungeons over and over for just an ilvl increase. If it was new gear altogether or at least some cosmetic upgrades then maybe. But even that would still be a stretch for me. Ill stick to my one raid a week
My friends and I are playing Hardcore and Classic.
If not for those, wouldn’t be playing WoW at all.
Game has just gone in a weird direction where cosmetics seem to matter more than actual gameplay. And they’ll sell everything to you for real cash, via the store or token or something.
Not at all, nor did I intend it that way. I was commenting in a more “see, this is why people like these other versions of the game” and not at all like “go play this, then”.
I advocate for a sense of community to come back to retail. It is the one thing that made this game great and still does if you can find those small pocket guilds that are still active.
It’s a video game. There’s no reason for there to be inflation for something like flying. Devs can make it any price they want. It was 1500g in Wotlk and 750g in Cata.
It was based on what you would earn from questing. Are we making 500k from questing? No? Then why would flying cost 500k?
500k is a ridiculous number based on nothing that you pulled out of thin air. There’s nothing in the game you can even equate to that level of inflation, but that’s the only hyperbolic defense of pathfinder people can come up with.
Just one thing. Wow isn’t dying. It’s freaking old az game and plenty of people play. Retail isn’t where it’s at. Everyone plays classic because it has the excitement from every aspect of the game leveling to raiding to PVP even the lore. Retail has dumb ugly dragons fox people and some other cr@p you have to get rep to get. But anywho some may not agree but who knows. Have a great day! GL!
In many ways, Wow remains a modern game.
The problem is that the game’s gamedesign has focused on parts of the game that have not aged well.
M+ and raids, I’m sorry, but that’s not very exciting in 2023. The thing is, that’s all the remaining players want.
With a change in perspective, WoW can be a great game. If devs fully embrace their 20 years of content, if they make up for the lack of features that exist in all other MMOs (housing, for example…). But it’s a risky gamble, it’s likely to drive away those who remain, and it’s not certain that it will bring back the other players (who are completely indifferent to this game).
When I discuss alternatives on this forum, you get some funny answers, which can be summed up as follows: If the devs work on a game design other than the 3 pillars, there will be fewer dungeons and fewer raids for the next expansion, and that would be unacceptable.
Yeh but up until like 8 hours ago it wasn’t even end of season, we didn’t know when S2 was ending, and it’s been on a very strong decline over the last couple of months, well before the ‘end of season’.
This is just a bad excuse and just another way to say “I am done with the season”.
I see more people out and about now than I did before, I honestly think that while it may appear to be “game dying” if you look at group finder for stuff in actuality the game is fine and people are just out doing other stuff more often, and why shouldn’t they? M+ and raiding is such a miniscule amount of content this game has to offer it doesn’t surprise me in the least that it falls off as top priority for a lot of players.
Heck, this last couple weeks has been extremely active for people to level alts thanks to turbulent timeways.
The game is not dying, the activities you like and pay attention to are just getting less attention from the playerbase